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Best Part 107 Prep

Generally, claims of high scores from first-time posters involved people who are involved in the product being promoted. Congrats on your excellent test score.
I can see that. Thanks.

No involvement whatsoever. I'm a big fan of it both because it worked and was completely free. I understand the source I used offers a paid service as well but I didn't find it necessary to spend money. Hopefully the fact I'm recommending something Free lends some additional weight to the lack of a relationship, not trying to make anybody any money here, just what I found that worked for me.

I also forgot to mention I first tried using a kindle book and that was terrible. I found it nearly impossible to efficiently read the information and then flip pages to a reference chart, and follow what was being said. There is IMO/IME no substitute for a video in that it's super nice to be looking at the chart while listening to the instruction, with some occasional popup drawing/circles or mouse hovering on the chart. Being able to listen while looking at the chart was a must for me. Screw the book, and I'm usually a book/reading type of person
I used the link sets posted here by mfabo and Gahan Haskins (thank you, kind friends!), the study guide and Part 107 changes articles on Jonathan Rupprecht's website, and the various online practice exams and flash card sets to pass the exam on April 8 with a 98. I did study every night for two+ weeks to prep plus I have been reading the FAA docs for a few months. I believe that this was the new exam as there were few questions that resembled the practice tests, and there there were questions on night flying, flying over people (specific-details-on-categories questions), and three questions on weight and balance. There was definitely some obscure stuff on the exam which required you to really know the content. Happy to join the Part 107 crew!
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So, with this thread bumped...anybody have any info on how long the FAA is taking to mail the actual physical final 107 licenses now?

I still don't have mine from about 2.5 months ago
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Not sure if this answers the question, but my examiner said to watch this page for the current state of certificate approvals:

Tonight, it says "We are currently processing permanent Airmen Certificates for temporary certificates that were issued approximately March 17, 2021."

Not sure if that means IF the TSA check is done or ?
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One tool I found incredibly helpful was the $5 Prepware Remote Pilot app. It's the only thing I spent money on to prepare, I watched basically the same videos that people posted here and took notes, but the app has very similar questions to what I saw on the exam and really helped me recognize the parts that I hadn't understood yet.
If you're gonna spend any money on anything, it should be that. I'm not affiliated with them or anything, it was just a super helpful tool.
Apple App Store link
Google Play Store link

Got a 95% back in October, so I did something right.
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Not sure if this answers the question, but my examiner said to watch this page for the current state of certificate approvals:

Tonight, it says "We are currently processing permanent Airmen Certificates for temporary certificates that were issued approximately March 17, 2021."

Not sure if that means IF the TSA check is done or ?
Thanks for that.

So I logged back into iacra finally, and my applicant console now has a certificate number (was "pending" at the time of temp).

Does having a certificate number mean they should have mailed my physical license by now? Maybe it's a USPS issue or an 'us throwing it away or losing it by mistake' issue? It does say my role is "applicant" on the side.

IDK what these things should be telling me
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Now that you have a Certificate #, you're entered in the Airman's Registry.

Congrats! You're good to go. Your physical license card should show up in the next couple of weeks.

You don't need it to start working though. Get out there and get to work!
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I watched The Drone Coach series of FREE YouTube videos. After watching it through once I planned to watch a couple others, but the other two I tried both had errors within the first couple hours of watching (when it differed from drone coach I searched official FAA study guide to see who was right) so I just went back and watched the airspace and sectional chart portions of the free Drone Coach YouTube series two more times, at which point I felt very confident.

I took the test last week and got a 95%, which I completely attribute to the free drone coach videos and nothing else. I was in and out in less than an hour

Again, I spent $0, I took 0 practice tests, and purchased or reviewed 0 question/answer banks, just what was embedded within the drone coach series, easy 95% less than a week ago. Couldn't be happier

Edit: But I definitely had to watch airspace and sectional charts at least twice to feel okay and ended up watching them three times to really absorb EVERYTHING

I didn't even have to check the legend
Thanks for the honest review Peter and so glad the videos worked for you. And congrats on that 95% too! Well done! To be honest, folks only spend the $49 at thedronecoach.io to take to practice exams and quizzes, and nothing else. Happy flying! -- Frank B. TheDroneCoach.com
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I used mostly the Sporty's Online Course. It did help tremendously for me that I had my private pilots license (thus training) although it's been years since I was current. I reviewed the FAR's, AIM, Sectional Charts, and Airplane Flying Handbook. Really reviewed the CRM's as that was kinda a new thing when I got my PPL. Most of the stuff was a welcomed review except of course the UAS stuff lol. I did get a 95% on the written test. I approached my self-training with how I remembered the ground school stuff for PPL. Sporty's Online Remote Pilot Course has a great study guide and resources. Can take the practice exam many times with different questions that may come about. If you are struggling with an area or two (or more) and not others, you can select the subjects you want to practice on. I highly recommend it as another option for study.

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