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Editing Software

Recently began looking at LumaFusion on IOS. Many options and very flexible. Learning curve.
I have had good luck with Wevideo. It can handle 4K and when it is on sale you can get it for ~$70 for one year of unlimited plan. It is limited compared to Adobe, but you need a really powerful computer to run Adobe. Everything on my site www.facebook.com/kaifectaerial was done with Wevideo.
The community college that I went to offered Adobe programs. I got on the Adobe CC student/teacher plan fairly cheap and when I graduated it went up to $32 a month with tax for the full CC suite of programs. I use at least half a dozen of them in my work. Premiere Pro is upgraded every year along with the other programs. Check your local community college and see if they don't have a class on video editing. They usually have them online if you don't want to attend or go at night. It is a great way to get hands on experience with Premiere (as most colleges offer Adobe programs) and will give you a few editing tricks that will save you time creating your next masterpiece. You can also get the discounted student/teacher version which is good for two years.
I use Cyberlink PowerDirector 16 ultra for video and Adobe Photoshop Elements for photos.

They do everything I need, not too hard to learn and not too expensive.

Here's a great deal on PowerDirector and PhotoDirector:
Charge ahead in 2018 with our creative software. Save up to 80% OFF today!

Both for $71.99 before 1-15. Yes, I know that's tomorrow but I just saw this. A different sale may begin after this one.o_O

Still works today 2/17. Maybe they aren't going to take the sale down until Monday? Anyway, great deal, thanks for sharing!
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I think it boils down to what your needs are. I use Corel Paint Shop, it does everything I need including decent HDR, and it is lot less expensive. I agree Photoshop is one of the standards, but if you don't need all the bells, why spend the money? I have done real estate and commercial photography and found Corel offers me everything I need.
I use Cyberlink PowerDirector 16 ultra for video and Adobe Photoshop Elements for photos.

They do everything I need, not too hard to learn and not too expensive.

Here's a great deal on PowerDirector and PhotoDirector:
Charge ahead in 2018 with our creative software. Save up to 80% OFF today!

Both for $71.99 before 1-15. Yes, I know that's tomorrow but I just saw this. A different sale may begin after this one.o_O
I've found PowerDirector 15 to do what I need without a steep learning curve. Tech support for a couple of problems was fast and effective. At the moment, I rarely have demand for photo images (which also can be edited in PowerDirector). For some kinds of jobs, simply extracting a snapshot image from the video file is sufficient. That said, I'm not deep into advanced photo image editing, and I have plenty to learn. Most of my work is to produce visual information for decisions, not so much for artistic objectives or purposes.

Someone else mentioned that having a powerful enough machine to do editing is important. I found a Pix4D webpage that recommended combinations of components you would need for acceptable performance with that product. The Lenovo laptop that I purchased to run Pix4D has performed nicely while editing video files with PowerDirector.
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Surprised there are not more Final Cut Pro X users here. I've gotten quite comfortable with it but since it is quite robust, id DOES have a learning curve. I imagine Premiere/CC does also though ...
Another FCPX user here. I’ve been using it properly since 2012. I built 2 Hackintoshes back then and they still run really well. I’ve since added bigger RAIDs and dual GPUs to speed things up. 1080p is easy but 4K is only usable if I edit in proxy.
We use Magix Vegas Pro for our NLE, which used to be Sony Vegas Pro, which use to be Sonic Foundry Vegas. I've personally used it since version 4 and am now on version 16. It's intuitive and it just works.

I also subscribe to Adobe CC, but don't use Premiere as I much prefer the Vegas workflow.
Round trip FCPX to DaVinci then back. But since I’m not working with log files, I’ve used FCPX for my snippets. Also, I’ve s been flying my Yuneec Typhoon H Plus more, I’m actually just happy (lazy) with color adjusts, because it doesn’t support dynamic log.
We are long time Adobe users but have to give the +1 for Davinci Resolve. It has gotten to be a better editor each release for the past several years and is both very capable for most everything and is free (a paid version is also available). If you like to get detailed into color grading its one of the best out there.
We are long time Adobe users but have to give the +1 for Davinci Resolve. It has gotten to be a better editor each release for the past several years and is both very capable for most everything and is FREE (a paid version is also available). If you like to get detailed into color grading its one of the best out there.

I have a license for the Adobe suite through the institution and I have to agree. Davinci Resolve is very capable...and free.

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