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FAA Part 107 sUAS Recurrent Test ~

OK, here's how I read it:

III. Discussion of Final Rule A. Relief from Certain Training, Recency, Testing and Checking Requirements

4. Aeronautical Knowledge Recency (§107.65)

Part 107 contains an aeronautical knowledge recency requirement that must be met prior to operating a small unmanned aircraft system (UAS).

Finally, this relief applies to operations conducted under part 107 of this chapter by a person who holds a remote pilot certificate issued under part 107 of this chapter.

And the actual text:

4. Aeronautical Knowledge Recency (§107.65)

Section 107.65 requires remote pilots certificated under part 107 to establish recency of knowledge every 24 calendar months. To meet the recency of knowledge requirement per §107.65(a) or (b), remote pilots must pass an FAA knowledge test at a knowledge testing center. The initial and recurrent knowledge tests required by §107.65(a) or (b) cover the comprehensive list of knowledge areas specified in §107.73(a) or (b), respectively. Section 107.65(c) allows remote pilots who are also certificated under part 61 and have a current flight review in accordance with §61.56 to complete online training to meet aeronautical knowledge recency.

The initial or recurrent training course covers the condensed list of knowledge areas specified in §107.74(a) or (b), respectively, because the part 61 pilot who has a current flight review has already demonstrated knowledge of many of the topic areas tested on the UAS knowledge test.

Even if open, some knowledge testing centers may introduce airmen to risks of exposure to COVID-19. The inability of part 107 operators to remain current could have a negative impact on a community’s ability to support the safe inspection of infrastructure, including power lines, fire and rescue, flood responses, law enforcement, and overall public safety. Under the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 outbreak, eligible remote pilots who would normally establish recency of knowledge in accordance with §107.65(a) or (b) may complete online training as an alternative if required to establish recency between April 2020 and June 2020. The remote pilot may complete the FAA-developed initial or recurrent online training courses50 at www.faasafety.gov one time to establish knowledge recency for six calendar months.51 As previously stated, the initial or recurrent online training course covers a condensed list of UAS-specific knowledge areas because it is intended for persons who hold part 61 pilot certificates and satisfy the flight review requirements of §61.56. The FAA finds that, for a limited duration of time, allowing remote pilots to complete one of these online training courses is an adequate alternative to passing a knowledge test. However, because these courses do not include all of the knowledge areas under §107.73(a) or (b) that a remote pilot is required to be tested on every 24 calendar months, the remote pilot will need to establish knowledge recency in accordance with §107.65 at the conclusion of the six calendar months. Remote pilots who qualify to establish recency of aeronautical knowledge per §107.65(c) are not included in this relief. Pilots who use the relief from §61.56 in this SFAR may establish recency of aeronautical knowledge per §107.65(c) and retain remote pilot privileges for 24 calendar months.
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So I just came off a presentation that addresses Part 107 currency

This information will be effective with the posting of the Special Flight Aviation Regulation today at 1615 EST.
Applies to recency of knowledge under Part § 107.65
  1. Does not override any state or federal stay-at-home quarantine orders for business
  2. Applies to § 107.65 aeronautical knowledge recency
    1. Passed initial aeronautical knowledge test
    2. Passed the recurrent aeronautical knowledge test; or
    3. If a person holds a part 61 pilot certificate and is current per § 61.56, passed either initial or recurrent training course
  3. This Applies to an airman:
    1. Who is certificated aa remote pilot under part 107; and
    2. Whose recency of knowledge apes between April 1, 2020 and June 30, 2020; and
    3. Who must meet recency of knowledge requirements by passing an aeronautical knowledge test per § 107.65(a) or (b) (see a and b in bullet 3 above)
  4. What the SFAR permits:
  • An eligible airman will be permitted to take either ALC-451 or ALC-515 online at faasafety.gov in leu of passing an aeronautical knowledge test
  • ALC-451 (part 107 small unmanned aircraft Systems (small UAS) Initial)
  • ALC-515 (P{art 107 small unmanned aircraft systems (Small UAS) Recurrent)
  1. What will the Airman get:
    1. An Eligible airman who completes either online training course will receive an additional six calendar months of knowledge recency
    2. The SFAR relief may only be used a single time
  • Cannot “re-up” for an additional Six Months
  1. At the conclusion of the additional six calendar months, the airman must establish currency per § 107.65

Steve Pansky/SAIC
Senior Aviation Analyst-AVS Safety Technical Services Support contract
Air Traffic and Public Safety/SAC-EC Liaison
Supporting Federal Aviation Administration Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Safety and Operations Branch, AUS-430 and Policy Team, AJV-P22
Phone: 202-904-9400
Email: [email protected]
So I just came off a presentation that addresses Part 107 currency

This information will be effective with the posting of the Special Flight Aviation Regulation today at 1615 EST.
Applies to recency of knowledge under Part § 107.65
  1. Does not override any state or federal stay-at-home quarantine orders for business
  2. Applies to § 107.65 aeronautical knowledge recency
    1. Passed initial aeronautical knowledge test
    2. Passed the recurrent aeronautical knowledge test; or
    3. If a person holds a part 61 pilot certificate and is current per § 61.56, passed either initial or recurrent training course
  3. This Applies to an airman:
    1. Who is certificated aa remote pilot under part 107; and
    2. Whose recency of knowledge apes between April 1, 2020 and June 30, 2020; and
    3. Who must meet recency of knowledge requirements by passing an aeronautical knowledge test per § 107.65(a) or (b) (see a and b in bullet 3 above)
  4. What the SFAR permits:
  • An eligible airman will be permitted to take either ALC-451 or ALC-515 online at faasafety.gov in leu of passing an aeronautical knowledge test
  • ALC-451 (part 107 small unmanned aircraft Systems (small UAS) Initial)
  • ALC-515 (P{art 107 small unmanned aircraft systems (Small UAS) Recurrent)
  1. What will the Airman get:
    1. An Eligible airman who completes either online training course will receive an additional six calendar months of knowledge recency
    2. The SFAR relief may only be used a single time
  • Cannot “re-up” for an additional Six Months
  1. At the conclusion of the additional six calendar months, the airman must establish currency per § 107.65

Steve Pansky/SAIC
Senior Aviation Analyst-AVS Safety Technical Services Support contract
Air Traffic and Public Safety/SAC-EC Liaison
Supporting Federal Aviation Administration Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Safety and Operations Branch, AUS-430 and Policy Team, AJV-P22
Phone: 202-904-9400
Email: [email protected]
I do my recurrency via my FAA Part 61 private pilots license. The online recurrency test is very easy and you can not fail it. They give you a chance to correct an answer if you miss it. I really have fun getting my 24 month flight review. I did that last week in a EuroFox Light Sport aircraft.

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Just to understand, this applies ONLY to recert candidates who's 25 month periods expired between April and June 1, 2020. If you've lapsed before that and want to take the recurency, you're going to have to wait it out sounds like.

Have I got this right?
This was posted this morning on the Federal Registry. Maybe someone with more legal knowledge can tell me if this is waiting to be approved, or has been approved?

This was posted this morning on the Federal Registry. Maybe someone with more legal knowledge can tell me if this is waiting to be approved, or has been approved?

In effect as of 4/30/20. Is discussed above, on this thread.
I read it as this is a six month extension If your do to resert between April and june 2020 , but still need to take the true recurrent test
I just received an update email from J Rupprecht that says the FAA has issued a second SFAR on July 29th that amends the previous SFAR. The full dump can be found below:

Is your remote pilot knowledge test about to expire but you cannot go take the test because of Corona Virus?

It isn’t just remote pilots. All of aviation is affected by COVID-19.

So the FAA did something about it.

The FAA created in May the new SFAR giving a grace period to remote pilot (provided they met certain requirements).

But COVID-19 didn't go away so the FAA updated the SFAR to help more remote pilots. Find out if it benefits you.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the SFAR (waivers, calendar months, times you can do it, etc.)


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