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Mavic 3 footage for wildlife sequence


Jun 15, 2019
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Had a go this week at telling a story of a fire threatening a black-footed rock wallaby colony in outback Australia. Shot in HLG, but you'll notice I also used the optical 7 X lens on a few occasions. Of course that shoots on the smaller 1/2" sensor camera and not (yet) in 10-bit.
Would love to know your thoughts on how it matches up with the rest as well. I wont leave this online for too long, best viewed in 4K.
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Terribly sad destruction, but beautifully filmed. The music perfectly matched the mood.

Just when I started thinking that I was getting pretty good at filming, someone like you comes along and ruins my happy thought.
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Terribly sad destruction, but beautifully filmed. The music perfectly matched the mood.

Just when I started thinking that I was getting pretty good at filming, someone like you comes along and ruins my happy thought.
Ha! I do it for a living so I had better be good or I won't pay the bills! 😎 Normally fire is part of the Australian landscape and some plants actually rely on it to open seedpods etc. However you're right on this one as the grass is an introduced species called buffle which burns extremely hot, so often kills native bushes and trees. The black kites or "firehawks" have a feast though, as insects fly from the fire as do small mammals and reptiles on the ground. I'll have a new cut in the next couple of days so keep an eye out for it!
Hey chrisozman. I recently saw a TV segment about the burning grasslands in Australia and the black kites. They mentioned that those birds are the only known animal that uses fire as a tool. As the fire burns out in an area, the bird will actually pick up a small burning stick and fly it over to new area to start another blaze. Amazing.
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Hey chrisozman. I recently saw a TV segment about the burning grasslands in Australia and the black kites. They mentioned that those birds are the only known animal that uses fire as a tool. As the fire burns out in an area, the bird will actually pick up a small burning stick and fly it over to new area to start another blaze. Amazing.
Yes that's described on the actual vimeo page. I think they are also the only bird that captures it's prey mid-air and simultaneously feeds it into its mouth without landing.

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