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Best mission plan app for flying a "notch" in the design


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2019
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I want to map a 50 acre construction site with a crane right in middle with a boom up at about 225 feet AGL. Obviously I could fly above it, but I'd like to get your thoughts on how different map planning apps handle the design and performance of a notch in the middle of the plan. I have Drone Deploy, Map Pilot, and Pix4Dcapture, three of the most popular planning apps, but I'd like to know whether any of them are better (or worse) at handling this situation before I start doing field trials.

Your thoughts? Thanks.......... Bob R.
I've used Map Pilot and do not believe it accommodates a hole or notch in the flight pattern. But I'm not sure any of the mapping apps would. However, my way of getting around it would be to fly four mapping missions to avoid that tall crane and be able to fly at a lower altitude. For example, set up one east-west mapping pattern north of the crane, and another east-west mapping pattern south of the crane. Then set up one north-south mapping pattern west of the crane, and another north-south pattern to the east of the crane. Then just take a single downward photo from directly above the crane at, say, 300 ft AGL to fill in the hole. You can upload all of the photos as a single run to the cloud service to produce your map. The combination would result in a grid pattern flight, which generally yields more accurate results. I believe that might work for you.
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Good idea. I might have to start off by mapping the site from above the crane just to be able to set 4 plans that can get near it but not into it at lower altitudes. A pain when considering that the boom is at an angle in one direction and that the whole rig can move from one update to the next.

Seems like this would be a good time to be able to use a zoom lens from above the whole problem. But that's not my equipment. I'm thinking my best work around might be to just do several missions from above at different compass alignments and accept the larger number of photos to process. May be faster/cheaper than trying to work around the crane on different updates.

Thanks for the thoughts............ R
I know that zoom requires special handling in the set up and processing, but I don't have that gear anyway. Just brain storming ways to solve this problem. So far, I'm in the "fly-high multiple angles" camp.
I want to map a 50 acre construction site with a crane right in middle with a boom up at about 225 feet AGL. Obviously I could fly above it, but I'd like to get your thoughts on how different map planning apps handle the design and performance of a notch in the middle of the plan. I have Drone Deploy, Map Pilot, and Pix4Dcapture, three of the most popular planning apps, but I'd like to know whether any of them are better (or worse) at handling this situation before I start doing field trials.

Your thoughts? Thanks.......... Bob R.
Check out Drone Harmony, it'll easily take sections out of the land section. Or, you can place a object and specify it's height.... and a void the 1-multiple objects.

You can also 3D view the mission prior to flight. The basic version for minimal cost will provide all these features.

I beleive UgCS will also perform complex mapping and avoid objects... complex program.

Another intersting one, DJIFlightPlanner, I"m playing with a bit is a Grid / Mapping programming tool for Litchi. Creates a map grid that can be opened in Litchi and you can add additional variables via directly by Litchi. Not full into it yet, but the experimenting I've done has impressive points and it's sister app for logs is pretty cool too.
Excellent input -- thanks, DougcJohn. I do a bunch of LItchi waypoint photo missions but was not aware that they have a feature that will design a mapping mission. That's embarrassing. Now I have to go hunt it up. You've given me some good stuff to check out. Thanks............. bob r
Excellent input -- thanks, DougcJohn. I do a bunch of LItchi waypoint photo missions but was not aware that they have a feature that will design a mapping mission. That's embarrassing. Now I have to go hunt it up. You've given me some good stuff to check out. Thanks............. bob r
Actually they aren't Litchi and they don't do any advertisement... "Yet".
Personally, I think they have a close relationship with Litchi Developers.
I found them indirectly when researching 3D modeling programs... the Owner of iWittness pointed me toward DJIFlightPlanner.
They are an Aussie company that has developed some pretty unique software... they have a sister company that developed a strong 3D mapping program heavily used in auto reconstruction, called iWittness Pro.

They're bringing some cool new features out for their product soon... and if you email them, they'll send you and eval...and happily extend it if you're still evaluating.
I've enjoyed communicating with the Programmer, and they seem very receptive to fresh ideas & input too.
He's hinted on some of the terrain features they're adding, as well as several other components.

I personally have found it an interesting product because it keeps you in the Litchi environment even when mapping.
Also, the ability to place in normal Litchi components... prior to mapping, after mapping completed, etc.

Example: I've noticed MapsMadeEasy when uploading a series of map shots... asks for a ground photo to be included.
Using MME, there I haven't found the way to take a photo prior to launch within MME.
Adding a few extra shots using Litchi isn't difficult.

Check out their other product: DJI AfterFlight

The 3D Modeling product is called iWitness Pro... looks pretty potent for the price too.
Wow! Nice buncha leads. I'll definitely be following up with them. Thanks............... R

PS -- sending PM

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