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Grand Finally


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2018
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Coulterville, CA
The UC Merced Completion date is now the last week of May. I've been handed what they want for final video and I must admit for the first time, I'm a bit nervous. Some of the flights will be ten to fifteen feet above the street with trees on one side and of course building on both sides for several hundred feet. They want this video to be professional quality and I'm far from that. I'm approaching the contractor with proposal to pay for professional assistance, partially on the flying because I can't find a decent observer and secondly on the editing. There are no students at the college and it is basically a ghost town so we won't need to worry about people. Campus police will make sure area's are clear.

I'm not sure if I can get the approval, but if any of you professionals are interested it would be two days at UC Merced. If interested PM me.
Congratulations - Aside from being nervous I am sure you also feel proud that they trust and like your work enough to do the final video.
Congrats on the gig, I’m sure you’ll do fine. Just make sure expectations are clear on all sides. If they expect “professional quality”, clearly define what this is. Cinema quality? Broadcast quality? YouTube marketing videos? They need to understand that these results require a financial commitment that far exceeds the usual expense they may be used to. Depending on the actual expectation of “professional quality”, you may be looking at putting together a Production Crew with location management, catering, security, professional post production, etc.

It may be a relatively simple production that pushes the limits of what you can do alone, or it may be a full blown production with a budget to match. The financial commitment will determine the final result. You can’t create “Avatar” for $250.00.
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Hi Fred

They are use to paying $800.00 a day to Multivista, they are budgeted to August so their should be plenty of money available, I got the campus police for free. They weren't expecting the final concrete work and landscaping to go as quickly as it did, primary because very little rain. Multivista is producing a time lapse video showing the construction from start to finish but that is all. Also they came in a few million dollars under budget on the entire project. As for me, I'm charging a hundred an hour on site plus travel, with three hour minimum, plus post editing.
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It really boils down to the expectation of “professional quality”. Sounds like the money is potentially there.

Once the final expectation is determined, bring in a local Video Production company to post your footage. Start bouncing numbers, establish a budget, and bring it to the client for approval.
Thanks Fred, I think that is the best idea, I have no problem with flying the patterns and elevations even though the altitudes are pretty low I can fly practice higher to make sure the drone is going to fly where it is suppose to. The only way I see to keep everything consistent speed wise is to make it an autonomous flight slow and speed it up in editing.
I flew a practice flight autonomously today at 10 feet and it was right on target, I used our local high school that is closed.

I know you have told me to try using manual focus and I have shot some manually with poor results.
Congratulations - Aside from being nervous I am sure you also feel proud that they trust and like your work enough to do the final video.

Thanks, this company hasn't dealt with anyone but me as far as videos go, so they don't really know any better, guess that can be an advantage, but I want the final to be really nice, and I think Fred is right, get some professionals to take my videos and create the final.
If you’ve got the budget to farm out your post, by all means do it! A professional production studio will always do a better job of it, at a cost of course. If the money and expectation is there, use it and meet it. They may even assign a Producer/Director to help you with your footage. (If the budget is there)

...I know you have told me to try using manual focus and I have shot some manually with poor results...

Autofocus is a video killer. You need to understand aperture, depth of field and hyperfocal distance. In video, if you’re not pulling focus, (as with drone footage) you need to set the focus point correctly for the shot.
For still photography I do certainly understand the relation and usage of apeture, shutter speed, and depth of field. I experimented with video, and I didn't have much luck. The segments I posted are shot with only two clips, then edited, they aren't a large number of short clips. They have been averaging about 4 minutes.
The final will be a perimeter shoot from 250 ft of the entire campus then four other clips flying down streets approx seven to ten minutes. Now that I don't have people to worry about I can take more time to try to get them right. Thanks Fred.
I'll know tomorrow how much money I have to work with, that will decide a lot.
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Are you using DJI Go for your autonomous flights? I’ve read Litchi gives smoother point to point video, rounding the path instead of making straight - turn - straight paths. Otherwise, +1 for hiring a post house, and, if you can, whether on their dime or your own, I would try to collect as much B roll as is convenient, pieces you can cut to if your 7 min clips have just ONE TINY PART that’s wobbly, out of focus, poorly exposed due to clouds or whathaveyou, or the framing needs adjusting, as it always seems one or more of those issues happens on a longer clip. Detail shots like signage, close ups of materials or landscaping, and nicely composed static shots showing different areas along the bigger flight path are examples that could help cover up any imperfections/SNAFUs you might encounter.
I only use Litchi for autonomous video flights, you are correct Litchi makes nice smooth turns. I tried using their POI but I just couldn't get the results that I wanted. Well I'm good at SNAFUs and I now have a professional that is going to assist in the flight, and do the editing. We'll be doing the final the last week of May. Like the saying goes, "A man hast to know his limitations" and I know mine, I'm not a professional videographer or photographer.
I have come to hate Murphy. Called the person that was suppose to work with me on this final project. "Oh, I didn't you get my text message, I got a new gig and just don't have the time." So I'm taking all the video clips and dropping them in Multivistas' lap and see what they can come up with. I have linked them together but they need a lot of work.
I'll post what I have when I finish in the next couple of days. One thing I found out during this final stage, how important the Inspire 2 obstetrical avoidance is.
Just an update, I put together the flights and they are far from professional. A film company out of Montery reviewed my flights and what the client wants. They came up with a 50k price tag to produce the final, client declined. I kind of thought 50k was a bit steep for an eight minute video.
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