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Hello from Ireland


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Jun 15, 2022
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Hello all. I'm Colum. Based in the North West of Ireland. Appears to be a demand developing so in the process of setting up a business, mainly aiming at survey/mapping/moddelling and inspection,

Electronics/communications/navigation background, 25 years in offshore/subsea survey industry. Been flying UAV's for a number of years, first began with mostly fixing the kids crashed FPV
toys. than began building my own as a pastime, apart from size the similarities became apparent, same GNSS systems, IMU's (UAV IMU weighing a few grammes instead of 20kg in a metal housing that
I've been used to on an ROV or AUV). Similarities in data processing to what I'm used to.
A friend locally already setup doing aerial photography and videography, but no intrest in mapping or inspection has been encouraging.

So have completed all EASA licencing, A1/A2/A3 & Specific Category (Similar to the FAA Part 107). Bought some additional used and new equipment and first two mapping small projects next week.

Equipment atm:
Couple of self builds
DJI Mavic Mini
DJI Phantom 4 Pro
Skydio 2
EMLID Reach RS2+, arrived last week, plan is to generate my own NTRIP RTK corrections.
Ardusimple, RTK Calibrated Surveyor Kit (Arrived today, for GCP's)

Considering a used M210 RTK V2. M300 or M30 would be great but just too much at this stage.
Welcome to The forum.
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching
and stay safe.. 👍
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