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Bark Alternative


Jun 20, 2020
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Hey Fellow Pilots,
We have a company called ‘Bark’ in the ?? & I believe it’s available in the ?? too.
My question is;
Is there any alternatives to Bark?

They do seem to be #1 on any Google/Yahoo/AOL search... ?
If you’re talking about that annoying job shop......RIPOFF.

One of those shops who want money to send you leads. One of those shops who charge you to sign up, then charge you for every lead, heck every click on your info regardless of contact. They got my photography business info and kept spamming me with “Leads” but you had to pay $$ to sign up and keep a CC on file to charge for clicks. Didn’t matter if you actually got a job.

I wrote then and told them that I’d be happy for them to send me leads. I will not pay any money up front nor will I pay for any “clicks” on my info. If I get a job from them, performed the job and actually got paid for the job, I would give them 10%. This is the ONLY way it will work. If theses terms are not acceptable, remove me from your list and never contact me again. I’ve never heard from them since.

We have a few others here like Droners.io who don’t require money up front, take care of the billing, take a cut and pay you. It’s a Race to the Bottom though, but if you compete on price then it’s for you. Personally I compete on quality, service, safety, and Doing it Right (and all that entails) so I have yet to yield anything from them.
If you’re talking about that annoying job shop......RIPOFF.

One of those shops who want money to send you leads. One of those shops who charge you to sign up, then charge you for every lead, heck every click on your info regardless of contact. They got my photography business info and kept spamming me with “Leads” but you had to pay $$ to sign up and keep a CC on file to charge for clicks. Didn’t matter if you actually got a job.

I wrote then and told them that I’d be happy for them to send me leads. I will not pay any money up front nor will I pay for any “clicks” on my info. If I get a job from them, performed the job and actually got paid for the job, I would give them 10%. This is the ONLY way it will work. If theses terms are not acceptable, remove me from your list and never contact me again. I’ve never heard from them since.

We have a few others here like Droners.io who don’t require money up front, take care of the billing, take a cut and pay you. It’s a Race to the Bottom though, but if you compete on price then it’s for you. Personally I compete on quality, service, safety, and Doing it Right (and all that entails) so I have yet to yield anything from them.
Yeah, that’s the one. The problem is that it pops up in the #1 spot for every search, followed by the Pay-Per-Clicks! £17 ($15) to submit a reply, where too cheap or too expensive and you don’t get chosen. Don’t focus on the right area in the reply and you don’t get chosen. There again, the customer might not choose anyone!

If there was a fairer system (like you suggest), how could it be policed with the crooks that would say “no, the deal fell through“. You couldn’t chase up every enquiry..?
Thanks guys. My old man always say, if you have to pay up front, it's probably a ripoff. If there are credible alternatives please inform us. There seem to be a growing industry of fake job offer sites trying to rip off drone pilots.
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