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Revolve MK III now available in the US

It would be nice to see a side-by-side comparison of the sensors.
We are working on more media for the website, but in the meantime there is a comparison here:

Near the bottom of the page. We are working on more media for the website, I realise it is a bit lacking currently.

This was taken at night time so the MSX on the M2ED camera was not of any use. You can't make out the person against background clutter in the Lepton photo but it's easy on the Boson image.

Do also bear in mind that all the thermal image examples we have provided have visual light images for comparison. The visual light images are taken using 2x optical zoom so it's about half the field of view you'd have on a normal M2ED visual light image.
We are working on more media for the website, but in the meantime there is a comparison here:

Near the bottom of the page. We are working on more media for the website, I realise it is a bit lacking currently.

This was taken at night time so the MSX on the M2ED camera was not of any use. You can't make out the person against background clutter in the Lepton photo but it's easy on the Boson image.

Do also bear in mind that all the thermal image examples we have provided have visual light images for comparison. The visual light images are taken using 2x optical zoom so it's about half the field of view you'd have on a normal M2ED visual light image.
The sensor seems to be a big improvement over M2ED sensor. Thank you.
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I've looked at the web site and didn't see the Thermal specifications listed. Where can I find them? Specifically I am wondering about the photo and video capture format (is it radiometric?), resolution and frame rates. I am pretty interested in the product and glad to see another alternative in the market. Thank you for posting!
I've looked at the web site and didn't see the Thermal specifications listed. Where can I find them? Specifically I am wondering about the photo and video capture format (is it radiometric?), resolution and frame rates. I am pretty interested in the product and glad to see another alternative in the market. Thank you for posting!
It's all there under the thermal imagery and FAQ page, so it's worth a quick look. To answer your questions however, the Boson sensor is not radiometric so you get standard jpeg/mpeg photos/video, same format as the normal RGB files.

I realise the lack of radiometry is a problem for many survey users, but for SAR work (our intended market) it is not an issue. If Flir ever release a radiometric version of the sensor then we'll integrate it, but the radiometric Boson has been "coming soon" for about two years, then Flir removed it from their website altogether, so I don't hold any hope within the next year.
I see the main thing is that the sensor is 320 x 256, adequate for a lot of Search and Rescue situations, the Mavic Duo is only 160 x 120 - not even usable for SAR. Looking down at a person from 100 feet and that person is barely a couple pixels.

I know you need to pay to play, especially with thermal cameras, but I'm waiting for a 640 radiometric version to come out in a EVO II or Mavic Pro platform.
Saw this in October for a Evo2 firmware update, not sure of the specifics

Autel Robotics, 9 october 2020 released new FW and new iOS & Android app update

Here the changelog for app:
Beta Version Release Notes

iOS Version: 1.7.5

New Features:

Added EVO II RTK support
Added IMU calibration
Added 640T thermal camera and radiometric supports (Region Specific)
Added moving Time Lapse in Intelligent Flight Mode
Added Live streaming support (both Youtube and RTMP servers)
Added Indoor Mode: optimized for indoor (No GPS connection present) flights, Propeller Guards Required.
Added the third axis calibration in compass calibration
Added Obstacle Avoidance quick switch in the top right corner
Added the filter option in the photo album

Bugs Fixes and Optimizations:

Translation error fixes

Android Version: V1.1.7.8

New Features:

Added EVO II RTK supports
Added IMU calibration
Added 640T thermal camera and radiometric supports (Region Specific)
Added moving Time Lapse in Intelligent Flight Mode
Added Indoor Mode: optimized for indoor (No GPS connection present) flights, Propeller Guards Required
Added the third axis calibration in compass calibration
Added Obstacle Avoidance quick switch in the top right corner

Bugs Fixes and Optimizations:

Resolved the gimbal roll axis tilt issue in waypoint mission
Translation error fixes
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"Added 640T thermal camera and radiometric supports (Region Specific)"

Interesting, I wonder why DJI is behind the ball on this one area... I prefer the app interface and flight characteristics of Go 4 and a Mavic, while I prefer the lack of geofencing and height limitations on the Evo.

We cannot inspect some of the towers around here with DJI dues to the above take off limitation of 300 meters. Also recreationally I like to follow up ridges, spines and pinnacles of mountains and the 300 meter height limit has snubbed some of my best flight plans. (just to be clear, I am never more than 400 feet AGL).

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