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Can you make a good part-time income from Zeitview and Fly Guys?

I think that would be a good move. I have gotten very consistent work from Bees in my market (SW Missouri) and they are great to work with. Getting busier by the month.
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So based on that, it seems FlyGuys is off the table as I'm not buying an Air2s, Mavic 3 or 3E just for sporadic work by them. I have a full-time career in the TV industry and am jumping into my drone passion as a 1-3 year backup plan in the event I'm ever laid off. That being said, I don't "need" the work right because my job is keeps me very busy. I just wanted to to sign up with a couple of these places to earn some extra money and gain experience and contacts. I plan on taking some thermography classes now that I have the 30T and will consider any thermal jobs that just need footage taken and sent for processing and analyzing by them or 3rd parties.

I see that Bees360 accepts the Air2 and I'm assuming the 30T so I'll go apply other there and see what happens.
The Mavic 3 is not supported by Drone Deploy, its camera can't be set to 90 degrees, not sure what max is. The Mavic 2 is supported and does a very good job of mapping.
The Mavic 3 is not supported by Drone Deploy, its camera can't be set to 90 degrees, not sure what max is. The Mavic 2 is supported and does a very good job of mapping.
I was speaking based on sensor size and didn't know about the tilt limits of the M3. So does the Mavic 3E have 90° tilt because it's one outstanding feature is its mechanical shutter which is perfect for survey-grade mapping. I would hope it would have the proper gimbal ranges for looking straight down.
The 3E if I'm understanding it correctly will only go to 61 degrees down and about 30 degrees up. Both the Mavic 2 and 3 have a 1 inch CMOS censor. The mechanical shutter is a great feature but it isn't an RTK drone to the best of my knowledge and that is limited on the Mavic 3.
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I have also done work for several of these companies including Zietview. My main one though has been Bees360. They have been very professional and have actual live support teams who are available by phone instead of just email. These are Roof Inspections and obviously will depend on your area and the weather for how many. I am in the midwest and there are a lack of pilots locally so I am traveling a fair amount in addition to local but I had my first one on Mar 1 and have done over 95 inspections since then. While they don't pay as much as if I was't using a third party I have many times that I have multiple inspections in the same area on the same day which can cut down on expenses. I would check them out. They are growing very fast.
So I signed up with Bees360 and am scheduled to take the Underwriting and Claim classes this week. I had no idea that depending on the type of service the client orders, the job may also include very detailed exterior ground inspections as well as interior captures. The video also mentions you having to contact the insured for the 4 point inspection if that's what the company orders. Have you had to do any of these jobs or were all of yours just aerials? I don't necessarily mind a full coverage job but I'd hope it pays more than an aerial inspection.

I ended up not going with Bees360 as most of their drone jobs require you to survey the property from the air as well as the from the ground with your phone. In total, most surveys will require nearly 100 images or more with a mix of 360 aerials, exterior ground elevations shots including any damage to the main structure and any others on the property as well as interior shots of the damaged room(s) if that is the package ordered by the client. If this is something you're okay doing, go for it but for me, I just want jobs that request aerials. I will say, the initial sign-up and communication was very professional and the live Zoom sessions were thorough and in my opinion, properly prepared you for the real world test and eventual job. I won't mention the pay rate as you'll find that out during the meetings but I will say that from the breakdown provided in the meeting, it did feel like it was a lot of work for the flat rate pay. As with anything you're new at, he did say that over time, you will become more proficient with practice and real jobs so the rate vs time will level out.
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I started in this business in 2016 doing real estate, and roof inspections, then went to work for Multivista in 2018 on the UC Merced project that lasted two years. All the different job brokers out there seem to be a fast trip to the bottom. I've only done construction and some AG work and found that knocking on doors and drumming up a business myself was the only way I could make decent money.
I completely agree. Much easier and more effective building relationships with advertising firms, creative firms, photography firms, PR firms, Commercial Real Estate, etc. Become their trusted resource and you won't compete for the work their sales people find. I tend to film commercial properties for due dilligence before sales. Down in Any hot real estate markets you can do live streaming for out of town home buyers, new construction progress, etc.
I see these services as a supplement to an existing business. I operate a part-time Geomatics & Drone Services company but also fly for Zeitview, FlyGuys & Droners. I only accept missions that equivalate to $85+/hr so that cuts the quantity down to flying pretty much 4-5 times/month and I have made about $22k this year. You could make $60-70k but that would be building relationships with the DSP's and clients you pick up and taking less attractive missions. I have been in the AEC & Surveying industries for a long time and have existing relationships that I work with but my work is limited to a day i can plan to take off from my fulltime job (General Contractor) or on the weekends. Once the flight is done I can do processing and prep deliverables any time but my flight windows are limited. I envision eventually doing it full time but my current job is pretty sweet so I'll probably save it for "retirement". Yeah I am on the old end of the drone world... Depending on your other skills I might recommend starting an actual business and supplementing with the Pilot network service providers or just get on board with an Architect, Engineer, Contractor (AEC) or Surveyor as a Pilot and Data Tech.
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I think it's actually getting worse. A few years ago, when I was starting, I was getting $120 Dronebase jobs that took 1 Phantom battery, or at most 1.5 and not more than 10 miles from home. Now, a $70 mapping job comes up and people jump on it in a couple of minutes. They recently wanted to pay $175 for a job that would require flying at least 14 batteries on just part 1 of three parts. On another forum, people were saying they would be happy driving almost any distance to a $75 job that takes an hour or so. What I'm seeing lately from Zeitview isn't worth leaving the driveway for, yet people jump on them like they are making big money on them, which they really aren't.
I think it's actually getting worse. A few years ago, when I was starting, I was getting $120 Dronebase jobs that took 1 Phantom battery, or at most 1.5 and not more than 10 miles from home. Now, a $70 mapping job comes up and people jump on it in a couple of minutes. They recently wanted to pay $175 for a job that would require flying at least 14 batteries on just part 1 of three parts. On another forum, people were saying they would be happy driving almost any distance to a $75 job that takes an hour or so. What I'm seeing lately from Zeitview isn't worth leaving the driveway for, yet people jump on them like they are making big money on them, which they really aren't.
100% agreed. There are many more Pilots and the services are using that to cut our legs out. That's why I supplement. I average $125/hr with what I take and only take the $75-85/hr range if it is on-route or near my home/office. I started using Droners.io a few months ago and occasionally see a good mission come up that meets my $100-125 range but there are 90% of "How the heck can you fly for that?" jobs. Being on the construction and inspection tracks with Zeitview I don't typically see anything less than $100 and usually closer to $150 with the occasional $300-400.
The only jobs around here in Zeitview for over $100 require 8-14 Phantom batteries, an hour of driving 1 way and several miles of walking, usually on old rotten railroad tracks while looking up. I had a couple of decent commercial real estate jobs last year, but one was pretty far away and the price kept going up since no one was taking it and the other was decently priced and local. The facade inspections are very cheaply priced and battery burners, but anything a Mavic 2 can do is grabbed before you can look at it and is priced at $70. I used to like doing the Stockpile report ones, which were decently priced, but I haven't seen one of those in almost a year now. There is the occasional $50 foreclosure surveillance jobs, but I wouldn't touch those with a 10-foot pole, especially in North Carolina, where it's explicitly illegal. Since they accept nothing but DJI drones, I can't imagine someone spending $4K on a drone to do their $70 jobs. They are going to have a lot of trouble filling those large facade jobs in the future. It's appearing like Zeitview may be off my list of potential clients.
The only jobs around here in Zeitview for over $100 require 8-14 Phantom batteries, an hour of driving 1 way and several miles of walking, usually on old rotten railroad tracks while looking up. I had a couple of decent commercial real estate jobs last year, but one was pretty far away and the price kept going up since no one was taking it and the other was decently priced and local. The facade inspections are very cheaply priced and battery burners, but anything a Mavic 2 can do is grabbed before you can look at it and is priced at $70. I used to like doing the Stockpile report ones, which were decently priced, but I haven't seen one of those in almost a year now. There is the occasional $50 foreclosure surveillance jobs, but I wouldn't touch those with a 10-foot pole, especially in North Carolina, where it's explicitly illegal. Since they accept nothing but DJI drones, I can't imagine someone spending $4K on a drone to do their $70 jobs. They are going to have a lot of trouble filling those large facade jobs in the future. It's appearing like Zeitview may be off my list of potential clients.
Yeah I think the industry is quite strong in Central Texas and economy may be a little higher so we have quite a bit of work and if you haven't learned already you can Decline missions and many times they will come back at a higher rate or if you see something 2-3 times just contact their Pilot support email and negotiate. I live in an area where there is a vast territory sparsely populated and not many Pilots so sometimes I can negotiate a mission that is an hour away and still make good money.
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Totally worthless around here (Maryland). Last week they wanted a me to go about 30 minutes away to do a very detailed commercial roof inspection and property mapping with photo and video for $85. Sorry, I am not a crack whore. There must be people willing to do so much work for such insultingly low pay, but I am not one of them.
Yeah I think the industry is quite strong in Central Texas and economy may be a little higher so we have quite a bit of work and if you haven't learned already you can Decline missions and many times they will come back at a higher rate or if you see something 2-3 times just contact their Pilot support email and negotiate. I live in an area where there is a vast territory sparsely populated and not many Pilots so sometimes I can negotiate a mission that is an hour away and still make good money.
About a half hour ago, a 19 Phantom battery job popped up for $100...and I thought the last one was bad.
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1k a week is hardly part time work, that comes to 4k a month and that type of money can cover most easy. 48k a year will be close to my retirement pay (not including SS, & 401k, but that would put me back at what I make now, then my SS would be nothing (according to the pay out chart), Most of the issues I see in this industry is the one off jobs that pop up with less than 24-48 notice. I'm one to plan out stuff, and will pass on the "Need it Now" request. To often these jobs ask for more than what the pay is and you find yourself spending a few hours on a project that the pay would only cover 30 minutes of your time. If your just starting out, by all means do some (what I call grunt work) to get your feet wet, just to see the process of doing jobs. This also will allow you to see what or which area fits you, I prefer construction site work, it most often require monthly visit (repeated flights, & time to plan) . Like some others here I still work a 9-5, but will retire in about 3 years, so I'm using this time to establish myself not just in the industry, but in my area. I'm not looking to fly or drive up & down the countryside for jobs. Just want to be the go to guy in my area, just like in construction its a small world and you will see the same people over and over so your reputation is vital & key to securing more work. In construction, people like working with folks they are familiar with.
With PrecisionHawk's reported chapter 7 bankruptcy, does anyone know what will happen to Droners.io? That should shake things up quite a bit, but unfortunately may push a lot of clients to the lowest possible paying job bundler.
With PrecisionHawk's reported chapter 7 bankruptcy, does anyone know what will happen to Droners.io? That should shake things up quite a bit, but unfortunately may push a lot of clients to the lowest possible paying job bundler.
It’s a good platform so I imagine someone will pick it up or purchase it from them but it’s already a lowball environment so can’t get much worse.
With PrecisionHawk's reported chapter 7 bankruptcy, does anyone know what will happen to Droners.io? That should shake things up quite a bit, but unfortunately may push a lot of clients to the lowest possible paying job bundler.
I think PrecisionHawk will fall into the hands of a larger group or make a deal into the delivery market like Droneup did with Wal Mart. Don't be surprised if a Fedex or UPS type service scoops them up to keep pace in the market. I don't see home delivery being all that the hype that is touted, but it can serve a purpose in rural areas for medical supplies and other commercial applications.
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I was lucky to get in with DB early on. Been one of their primary Solar pilots for the past 5 years. Consistently getting 25-30 jobs annually. (Money was very good being on their primary pilot list) Many times same site annually. When DB went to Zietview, they introduced using 4 fixed wing plans to collect as many of their 6500 solar sites in the US as possible. Since Feb of this year, I have only performed 6 flight for them. I think we will only see some LAANC 0 grid and one off flights in the future. Luckily I have been building my local roof inspection work. Answer to the question, best option is to have a solid business plan and solicit your own work.

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