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DJI Geofence Stops Flight

Fred Garvin

Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2019
Reaction score
DFW Metroplex
Had another lakehouse to shoot this morning. This one is in restricted military airspace. Not a problem though as I have a CoA and secured the DJI Unlock code for a limited area around the house. No issues whatsoever, but when I was finished I spun the bird around for a pretty shot of the cove:

Lake Cove.jpg

Always looking for nice portfolio shots. So, I thought I'd get a nice, smooth 4k video flying down the cove toward the open lake. You know, some stock footage or B roll to bank away. Might be able to sell it someday.

I've seen the question before: "What happens when you're in a FlySafe Zone and you fly beyond it's limits , or you fly into a Flysafe Zone? Will the aircraft stop, or keep going with a warning, or what?

Well, about 1/2 way down the cove, I reached the limits of my unlock area in the airspace. A red warning flag popped up on the screen and the M2P stopped. Would go no further. I could turn around and come back, but it would not leave the area I had unlocked.
That's why having a broke geo fence is a good idea. You don't need the Chinees telling you where you can and can't fly.

By the way, nice picture.
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I notice the same thing I turned on a Geo zone and I couldn’t fly where I was which was not a restricted area. It’s possible if you had turned it off it might’ve let you fly in that area.
Just another DJI bug.
Yeah well it’s a huge bug because why in the hell would you not let someone fly out of the GEO fence if it’s not a restricted area.
I guess the code is written under the assumption that everywhere else is restricted whether it is or not.
Exactly what happens. If you have a geo-fence authorization turned on you cannot fly in any other areas. It is better to get an annual geo fence unlock rather than a radius circle that wastes battery time while switching it off and on. Worse yet, I was flying outside a geo-fenced area (couldn't access the area on land), then into it (which required it to be turned on), then when I wanted to come home I needed to turn off the geo-fence. There was a bit of tension to perform the action with 12% battery remaining. DJI really needs to improve the access to the unlock areas page while in flight, or at least allow the aircraft to return to home. There are definite improvements needed.
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I use it when I have to fly in a authorization zone multiple times in a year. I send the authorization approval with the unlock request (attach the document to the request) and request it to be open until the document expires.
I use it when I have to fly in a authorization zone multiple times in a year. I send the authorization approval with the unlock request (attach the document to the request) and request it to be open until the document expires.

So, instead of drawing a polygon, select a region and attach the CoA. What about the date range? They only give you 3 days. Just comment in the request?
Yes. I make a request amd state I will be flying in these areas multiple times. They usually give me an unlock that is referenced in my geo-zone unlock and I can do it right on the tablet I use to fly with. That way I don’t have a specific area or radius that prohibits me from flying out of that area. However when I go into the area again at a different time I have to unlock it similar to a geo-fenced authorized area. I always include all documentation (Pilots Certification, ROC-A, Airspace Authorization, SFOC, and anything else that I think will help) with the request. It was a real pain the first time, but it has been not bad for the last couple years. I do this for airports mostly, and it helps me get my jobs done more efficiently. I detect gas leaks, so I need to be able to go when requested.
Yes. I make a request amd state I will be flying in these areas multiple times. They usually give me an unlock that is referenced in my geo-zone unlock and I can do it right on the tablet I use to fly with. That way I don’t have a specific area or radius that prohibits me from flying out of that area. However when I go into the area again at a different time I have to unlock it similar to a geo-fenced authorized area. I always include all documentation (Pilots Certification, ROC-A, Airspace Authorization, SFOC, and anything else that I think will help) with the request. It was a real pain the first time, but it has been not bad for the last couple years. I do this for airports mostly, and it helps me get my jobs done more efficiently. I detect gas leaks, so I need to be able to go when requested.

I'm not following.....I think...

1. You make the initial request for the zone, include docs, they issue an unlock code. For a specific timeframe? A general unlock that is good for as long as the CoA? This unlocks the whole zone, for how long?

2. Subsequent missions, even though you have the first Unlock for the entire zone, you have to go in again and request an unlock code for the zone or a specific area in the zone?

This is what I'm not following. If you have the original zone unlock, why do you need to go in again and request another unlock? Shouldn't the original be valid? Just turn it on again?
Yes, I think you understand. My terminology may be a bit vague. The unlock request is with DJI Flysafe for the duration of the authorization and SFOC. I usually get them for a year. When I fly in one of these zones I am then able to unlock from my device (yes, turn them on from my list). Similar to a specific zone authorization unlock that is located in my list of approvals for advanced pilots. These unlocks do not stop the aircraft when it reaches the geo-zone fenced area (the specific item in question here) unless it is off. Therefore, I can fly in and out of the geo-fence in that specific area until I am done my mission, only having to turn it on once while in the area. Once done and I log out I will have to re-activate the unlock when I return, but again, I can do this on the device. If you do a custom unlock for a polygon or a radius area you will be stopped at the geo-fence both in and out, having to turn on and off the custom unlock. I stopped doing custom unlocks for this reason. When I need to leave an area I really do not want to waste time to turn off the unlock. It was not an easy process the first time, but I have done this for a few years now and it is getting easier. Hope this helps clarify.
Oh, I think I see where I'm missing it. The unlock code stays on your controller, and is good for a year. You just need to turn it on/off as needed. You do not have to go back to DJI's FlySafe online and request a new unlock. Correct?
I recently got a six-month unlock for an area that I fly in frequently near an airport. I used the custom unlock request and a polygon to define the area. I put in a request at FAA Dronezone for this area, but since it is Class G airspace, the request was cancelled. I did a screenshot of the web page showing the cancellation because it was Class G airspace and uploaded it with my unlock request to DJI, and the request was approved. I was really tired of asking for an unlock in three-day intervals, so I'm glad this worked.

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