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Do certified mechanics need to do anything to protect ourselves?


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May 11, 2023
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I’m an FAA certified aircraft mechanic and I fly drones commercially. Is there any reason I should be more cautious or worry about the maintenance of my drones in regards to my a&p certificate? I am already diligent with maintenance on them but I don’t want one thing to mess with the other. if you catch my drift?
Nothing on a consumer drone currently requires any specified maintenance, let alone an A&P IA sign-off. Don't be paranoid. ;) I don't see a connection. :)
When it comes to FAA Certifications, if you violate one cert, you can lose another. So fly within the rules at all times. Or at the very least, don't be reckless.

For instance, there was an ATP who flew his Mavic Mini during the Tampa Super Bowl TFR. He got caught and not only lost his drone, he was suspended (not sure how long) from flying under his ATP.

So yeah, be careful. But as mentioned above, there is no maintenance requirements on the drone, so you can't get in trouble for that. But with your experience as A&P, I would assume you'll keep your drone in tip-top condition. 😉
When it comes to FAA Certifications, if you violate one cert, you can lose another. So fly within the rules at all times. Or at the very least, don't be reckless.

For instance, there was an ATP who flew his Mavic Mini during the Tampa Super Bowl TFR. He got caught and not only lost his drone, he was suspended (not sure how long) from flying under his ATP.

So yeah, be careful. But as mentioned above, there is no maintenance requirements on the drone, so you can't get in trouble for that. But with your experience as A&P, I would assume you'll keep your drone in tip-top condition. 😉
That was more of what I was thinking. I have heard people say that but never heard a first person account of it happening. Besides busting airspace I am guessing if there is an issue due to maintenance of the drone I’m sure they would hold me to a higher standard.
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