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DroneDeploy Roof Report


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2018
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I used DroneDeploy Roof Report for the first time. They have a free trial Report and was easy to use and produced a nice report. Has anyone been able to sell this as a service to a roofer for their estimates. There are free satellite based Roof estimating websites but they are not able to determine exact Roof pitch which is the advantage of flying over capturing a 3D image. Dronedeploy charges $35 to interpret the data and produce the report.
Just did the trial on my house. To sell it, i not totally sure of the value to the roofer. It is very easy to do compared to the other roof inspections like BetterView where they require certain angles etc.
I haven't used it, I actually just ran across it today. But I had the same idea, to approach a roofer with the offer.
I'd like to find a complex roof to do a sample report on.
I'd be interested to hear if you have any luck marketing that. I'd be happy to report also if I do.
Well not so great news. A roofer told me he gets all his measurements from a website SkyMeasure for $37 gets the same information. So not sure how in the world DroneDeploy Roof Report using a drone adds any value. I would like to get dronedeploys take on why their roof report is better than skymeasure.
Well not so great news. A roofer told me he gets all his measurements from a website SkyMeasure for $37 gets the same information. So not sure how in the world DroneDeploy Roof Report using a drone adds any value. I would like to get dronedeploys take on why their roof report is better than skymeasure.

I'm in the construction industry and there are several "Roof Analyzers" on the market and most are less than $50 for a residence and larger projects are quoted per SqFt.
I did the same thing philsmith76. What he did not tell you is that Skymesaure is expensive, used mainly by larger roofing companies. One thought I had was for Solar companies. They need to measure the roofs as well, but I have not sold one yet, however I do have an interested solar provider. We will see what happens. Also, if the house or business is too new, SkyMeasure will not have it in their data base. They use satellite.
Instead of marketing directly to the roofer, has anyone considered (tried?) marketing to insurance adjusters?

The lower half of each page in the DD roof report is blank at delivery and I'm thinking that we could fill it with annotated hi-res photos of missing/damages shingles, shingle grit loss, even structural shift/sag via oblique photos. (Something the satellite images certainly can't do.) This could prove particularly useful after a fire, wind or hail storm, other natural disaster, or even to just show wear & tear.

Just a thought, but it could offer added value. And, while the roofer probably doesn't have an aversion to climbing up on roofs, the adjuster probably would prefer not to.

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