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Flying Stomping Grounds.

Wow! Beautiful and scenic. Now that's a place to have a home/cabin.:cool:

It's gorgeous for sure but everything you see is either Wilderness Area, National Park Service Land, or some other "restriction" which I think is how it should be :) . I just happen to have been flying for Search & Rescue and in between missions grabbed some pictures for myself. In fact in that 3rd picture you can see our emergency vehicle parked in the Turn Out area. Our "subject" was almost directly under the drone being hoisted across the river in a basket with a severed spinal cord. We landed our Life Flight HELO shortly after to get him to the hospital.

Below is a pic of the Helo just before lift off (this picture was NOT taken with our sUAS obviously)

I've never really thought about it, but when I'm testing out a new drone or training a new pilot on a technique, we find a place that's unproblematic and utilize it for the task at hand.

You can see some of these in my Instagram feed mixed in with job site shots/videos as well.

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Sorry this isn't artistic like the previous images, but here we are in MN launching, climbing out, and then picking up a wing man for part of the flight. We collected 1640 (24 megapixel) images on a ~30 minute mission. Bent the pitot tube hitting a cut off stalk of corn on landing, but it was a quick fix.

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While we live in a beautiful part of the country, our regular flying sites pale in comparison to these photos! We mostly fly at an abandon training facility, around cell phone towers, power lines and construction sites. Maybe we need a hobby?!?!?! haha

Beautiful shots guys.....
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I’m new to the site but have been flying drones for a couple years now. I have been a licensed pilot since the late 90’s and have just recently decided to try and turn my passion into profit. Looking forward to utilizing you guys knowledge to help me further my endeavor. Anyhow, this is my backyard.EC71230F-BE76-45F5-995D-9D12B34D1AAB.jpeg1D22B2EF-0AC8-4B21-BD5D-ADCC358601D8.jpeg379B89CB-BA16-48B8-B3D8-9825EB55BB3C.jpeg
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