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Mavic 3 Enterprise - Looking for Feedback

I have had my M3E for less than a month and have flown it as much as possible learning how it performs (Michigan winters!). The only comment I will make at this point is it's efficiency in mapping. I did a mapping job with my Phantom 4 Pro that took about 20 minutes... was able to get it in on one battery. Fired up the M3E and ran the exact same mission in less than 10 minutes. Coverages were identical and no discernable difference in zoomed in image quality.

Recently did a 2,000 acre job (contract) requiring nearly 300 minutes of flight time. I believe the M3E would have got it done in less than half the flight time. It is faster with greater flight time and greater speed to and from battery swaps.
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Reactions: HammerMissions
Anyone flying the Mavic 3 Enterprise routinely?

We have recently integrated Hammer Missions with the M3E and are looking for your thoughts, comments and feedback!

I'd like to try your software now that you support the M3E. Do you offer any trials? I just tried DroneLink with the M3E
yeah, If you are using Hammer Missions with the M3E, it would be great to hear about your experience with the integration and how it has improved your drone operations.

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