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New member from UK


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Oct 19, 2023
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Hi all,

Just joined today, looking for some drone surveying pointers.

Some background: I do nighttime artificial lighting surveys measuring light levels, using a 'light meter' in various areas. However, some of these areas arent practical to reach by foot i.e. at tree canopy height. I have started looking into using drones to essentially recreate what I am capable of doing at ground level.

Ideally, I would like to pre-program the drones flight path in the office, using selected GPS points with the drone staying at each location for a few seconds to take readings. Also, it would need to be able to move upwards / downwards in a specified height e.g. meters too.

The drone will need to have GPS capabilities within ~1m accuracy. I also need the drone to be able to output its GPS location at its specific time, i,e. XXLat XXLong , XX seconds/minute/hour/ etc. This is so I can line up the drones position with light meter readings which are exported to an excel sheet in the manner listed.

I have attached a couple of images that show the spatial range of what my survey would entail (red X - reading location). Key part of this is that it would be at night time, which I imagine makes things trickier.

Any help is highly appreicated. This could be software reccs, networks, products etc. I am a total newbie to this so bear this in mind!Height image.jpgDrone Mapping-Layout1.jpg
Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!

I would suggest Litchi if you have a compatible drone
Thanks for the reply, I did speak with a DJI rep earlier and they said exporting GPS positions out of the drone isn't a capability. However, I see no reason that I couldn't just fit the drone with my own gps unit that could simply record/export location/time.

I will have a look into Litchi, it looks useful.

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