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Part 107 Test/Recurrency go LIVE 4/6/21... Important notes . . .


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Jan 8, 2018
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Western North Carolina
As of tomorrow the Part 107 Initial Knowledge Test (in person) and Recurrency Training Module (online) will go LIVE with the new materials to cover Night Flights w/o a Waiver and Operations Over People (OOP).

Let's take a quick moment to break this down.

  • Tuesday 4//6/2021 Part 107 Testing/Training modules will be updated to include the NEW RULES for Part 107.
  • The NEW RULES for Part 107 don't actually go into effect until 4/21/2021.

So in a nutshell, even after you've passed the IKT or Recurrency Training Module for Part 107 you still can't USE the "privileges" of the New Rules until 4/21/2021.

4/6/21 New Testing/Training LIVE
4/21/21 New Rules for Part 107 go into EFFECT

If you'd like to read more about it here is a link to DSPA with an excellent write-up about it:
Just finished the new course. (It is NOT Flash-based, whew!)

Not bad at all, took me 2 hours as the site forecast. I move slowly and methodically though, so others may complete it faster. Got a nice, pretty certificate after the 45 question exam.

The new material was presented well, but I was already familiar with Night Ops. (I have a 107.29)

One thing did surprise me: The carriage of property of another for hire. They FINALLY addressed this!
Just completed mine as well. A little long in the tooth, but straightforward and everything actually worked as it should have.
I did find it very odd that I could have emailed my certificate of completion to a drop down list of businesses, I feel like that shouldn't be a thing. I'm not sure how to pass along that feedback.

There was a point that I would like to get some clarification on, however, in regards to Visual Observers:
The training states that The Remote PIC may not space out VOs to extend beyond visual line-of-sight. The way this reads is that you may not fly a drone beyond the PIC's or the drone operator's VLOS even if it's still within the VO's VLOS even if they're maintaining radio contact. There's a specific video I'm thinking of where they're comparing the range of two drones using a visual observer past the drone operator's VLOS and I just wanted to confirm that this in fact is against the rules as soon as it leaves the drone operator's VLOS or whether I'm misunderstanding something.
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Just completed mine as well. A little long in the tooth, but straightforward and everything actually worked as it should have.
I did find it very odd that I could have emailed my certificate of completion to a drop down list of businesses, I feel like that shouldn't be a thing. I'm not sure how to pass along that feedback.

There was a point that I would like to get some clarification on, however, in regards to Visual Observers:
The training states that The Remote PIC may not space out VOs to extend beyond visual line-of-sight. The way this reads is that you may not fly a drone beyond the PIC's or the drone operator's VLOS even if it's still within the VO's VLOS even if they're maintaining radio contact. There's a specific video I'm thinking of where they're comparing the range of two drones using a visual observer past the drone operator's VLOS and I just wanted to confirm that this in fact is against the rules as soon as it leaves the drone operator's VLOS or whether I'm misunderstanding something.

The aircraft must remain within VLOS of the RPIC, operator and VO at all times. The scenario you describe is not compliant with Part 107.

§107.31 Visual line of sight aircraft operation.​

(a) With vision that is unaided by any device other than corrective lenses, the remote pilot in command, the visual observer (if one is used), and the person manipulating the flight control of the small unmanned aircraft system must be able to see the unmanned aircraft throughout the entire flight in order to:​
(1) Know the unmanned aircraft's location;​
(2) Determine the unmanned aircraft's attitude, altitude, and direction of flight;​
(3) Observe the airspace for other air traffic or hazards; and​
(4) Determine that the unmanned aircraft does not endanger the life or property of another.​
Done. Very nice.
Really appreciate how they have removed some of the variability / vague-ness so far.
Easy to navigate, etc.

Sent a suggestion to them re: "Self-Maintenance" to add a step for safe TESTING (spin up, C2, system check, etc.) after maintenance, and prior to actual operations.

...and "Thank You" to Big Al for the heads up post!!
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Thank you all for posting this information. Just curious though, I unfortunately had to pay at a testing center to keep current as I had projects in work. I'm good for 2 more years and do understand that I won't be able to fly over people and at night until I complete the "training". No worries.

My question is, if I now go online, and don't pass the training, does that now change my currency status to "not current" since I received a failing score? This is what the test centers would do if you were to go in and attempt to get a "better" score and fail. The score/pass/no pass of your last testing would be counted as your "new" status.

I'm sure everyone will pass, but it's just one of those questions that I haven't seen addressed yet.
Just took the online course and exam. Straight forward. Nice balance of review. First time I hit submit for exam, it brought me back to website login screen. Had to re-launch and take quiz again?? Second submission was successful. :cool: . Did you see VO for flight at night, "Not required", but (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED)
...First time I hit submit for exam, it brought me back to website login screen. Had to re-launch and take quiz again?? Second submission was successful...

ALMOST happened to me too, but I caught it first. After I finished the course but before the Review, I noticed that I was no longer logged in. I'm guessing it timed out and auto-logged me out. I logged back in and "Continued" the course so that the Review and Exam were done while I was logged in.

...and do understand that I won't be able to fly over people...

You still won't be able to unless your aircraft meets the proper Category 1, 2, 3, or 4 certification levels.
Hi all. Sorry for the confusing question. What I was referring to was some verbiage from the PSI centers policy below. I just wasn't sure if the FAA had some "small print" in there for that type of situation since they are responsible for recurrent training now.

RETESTING FOR HIGHER SCORE A candidate retesting, in an attempt to achieve a higher passing score, may retake the same test 30 days after the date of the last attempt. The candidate is required to submit the original applicable AKTR indicating the previous passing score to the proctor prior to testing.

The score of the most recent test taken is the official score.

I guess PSI policy wouldn't really be applicable anymore since the training is not through them(PSI) and this is "recurrent training" vs. "recurrent testing".

Sorry, I guess I was thinking "too deep"...lol
Hi all. Sorry for the confusing question. What I was referring to was some verbiage from the PSI centers policy below. I just wasn't sure if the FAA had some "small print" in there for that type of situation since they are responsible for recurrent training now.

RETESTING FOR HIGHER SCORE A candidate retesting, in an attempt to achieve a higher passing score, may retake the same test 30 days after the date of the last attempt. The candidate is required to submit the original applicable AKTR indicating the previous passing score to the proctor prior to testing.

The score of the most recent test taken is the official score.

I guess PSI policy wouldn't really be applicable anymore since the training is not through them(PSI) and this is "recurrent training" vs. "recurrent testing".

Sorry, I guess I was thinking "too deep"...lol
I would say the new recurrent option is training and testing as it does have an exam you need to pass to be re-certified.

I do get what you are saying though...

I myself was not ever going to go back and test for the recurrent certification. My original certificate expired in October 2019. I only took the part 107 test just for myself and not make money flying my drones. Was just on a whim to study and see if i could pass it. I still keep up with the FAA drone rules and such so when i got the email for this new recurrent training and exam for recurrent i went immediately to the link and got my new certification lol Well you know since it is free for us 107 holders. Thank you FAA!
As of tomorrow the Part 107 Initial Knowledge Test (in person) and Recurrency Training Module (online) will go LIVE with the new materials to cover Night Flights w/o a Waiver and Operations Over People (OOP).

Let's take a quick moment to break this down.

  • Tuesday 4//6/2021 Part 107 Testing/Training modules will be updated to include the NEW RULES for Part 107.
  • The NEW RULES for Part 107 don't actually go into effect until 4/21/2021.

So in a nutshell, even after you've passed the IKT or Recurrency Training Module for Part 107 you still can't USE the "privileges" of the New Rules until 4/21/2021.

4/6/21 New Testing/Training LIVE
4/21/21 New Rules for Part 107 go into EFFECT

If you'd like to read more about it here is a link to DSPA with an excellent write-up about it:
Where do I apply for my $160 refund for the recurrency test I took in January? (Ha ha...)

Seriously - since I already passed my recurrent test in JAN, am I good to go with the new Night Flight/Over People/Over Moving Vehicle regs?? Or do I have to get certified again online??
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Thank you all for posting this information. Just curious though, I unfortunately had to pay at a testing center to keep current as I had projects in work. I'm good for 2 more years and do understand that I won't be able to fly over people and at night until I complete the "training". No worries.

My question is, if I now go online, and don't pass the training, does that now change my currency status to "not current" since I received a failing score? This is what the test centers would do if you were to go in and attempt to get a "better" score and fail. The score/pass/no pass of your last testing would be counted as your "new" status.

I'm sure everyone will pass, but it's just one of those questions that I haven't seen addressed yet.
I got 98% on the exam, which I thought was pretty good. But it scared me because they said you need 100% to pass. Turns out they tell you what you got wrong and let you go back and fix it. So it seems to only way to fail is just to fail to complete the course and exam.
Hi all,
My question is regarding the recurrent exam. My certificate doesn’t expire until 2/3/22, when I take the recurrent exam for night flight and flying over an assembly and pass, on this current date and year, will this now be my new expiration date ? Say 04/10/23 ? Or will it be an addendum to my current certification?

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