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Proposed NYC rule change would kill the industry there.

Vic Moss

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2018
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Denver, CO
Call again for comments on the proposed NYC drone rules change.

As of today, there are only 13 comments, including one who is for the changes (it sounds like she hates drones, so there's that...). Mine will be approved within a day or so.

We need to comment on this, even if you don't ever plan on flying in NYC. If this passes, other cities may look at this as a great example of what they should do. And that would cripple the drone industry, both commercially and recreationally, just as it will in NYC if passed as written.

A few points:

First, these rules would not interfere with the FAA's sole authority to control the NAS. These are ground use rules, and cities and states are allowed to impose those. So please don't use that as an example of why NYC shouldn't do this. That's is incorrect, and your comments will lose credibility.

Make sure you let them know the notification requirements are onerous and would basically create the same "drone ban" they have now, except put it in actual ordinance instead of relying on an interpretation of a law from the 1940s.

Strongly suggest that the committee shelve this attempt at rule change, and instead start the process again, but this time work with all stakeholders in order to come up with a workable solution.

If NYC would do that, we can have a much larger voice. Because it's obvious to anyone who reads this proposal that the committee never bothered talking to those this would affect.

Also, mention that RID will be required on 9.16.23, and it will have much of what they want to know anyway.
So put together a reasonable and professional response, then go to their comment page (https://rules.cityofnewyork.us/.../applications-to.../), and comment.

This is imperative. Whether you fly under 107, or 44809, you need to comment.

Be professional.
Well, the NYC Drone Regulations are now established. It didn't seem like the comments period was taken seriously by the city administration because the new permit system is pretty much unworkable. Here are the permit requirements in brief, based on my initial quick review.
  • Operator name
  • Home address and email (verified)
  • FAA Part 107 Certificate Number
  • Drone manufacturer and model
  • Government-issued photo ID
  • FAA Airspace authorization for any controlled airspace
  • Copy of applicant’s cybersecurity policies, or a detailed description of the applicant’s policies and procedures for securing the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of unmanned aircraft systems and underlying data
  • Copy of the applicants data privacy policy, or a detailed description of the applicant’s practices and procedures for protecting data privacy
  • A copy of insurance policy required under the rules
  • A copy of community notification letter
  • The posting of signs around the flight location warning the public that a drone is being operated in the area
  • Application be submitted no less than 30 days prior to planned flight (24 days exception is available)
  • Permit is only for a single day
  • $150 non-refundable fee
Even for someone like myself who works for a large firm, and can probably provide most of the requirements, the fact that I must submit a non-refundable $150 application 30 days prior to a flight day, not knowing what the weather conditions might be is basically a non-starter for me. Local community organization notification via letter? The posting of signs around the area? Established cybersecurity and privacy policies? All of this is required to simply take a few photos and a bit of video at a work site? The lawmakers have once again established rules that will (1) simply be ignored by the majority of drone operators or (2) hurt local economy and construction projects as companies decide to forgo utilizing the benefits of drone technology. Real stupid move by the city. I had hoped, for once, NYC city would establish realistic and workable drone regulations. Didn't happen.
What would ever make you think that they would do the right thing? After reading their proposal, I wrote a letter to them, but I didn't expect anything to change. Now I'm not disappointed.
They did exactly as I expected they would. They don't want drones, so they're not going to let them fly.
I'd love to say this is what you get for NY voting blue but, good ol' red Tennessee passed:

Tennessee SB776​

Public Contracts - As enacted, prohibits a state agency, local agency, or law enforcement agency from purchasing or acquiring a drone or other covered telecommunications equipment or service produced by a manufacturer banned under the federal National Defense Authorization Act of 2019. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 12 and Title 39, Chapter 13.​

So it's happening all over the country and no state is safe. Uneducated politicians are being fed lies and most likely being paid to make these rulings. I just spent $13,000 on a Matrice 30T package knowing the government is slowly putting the squeeze on the drone industry so if this keeps spreading and we don't have rich and powerful advocates on our side to change/reverse those rulings and laws, I'm gonna have a 5 figure paperweight on my desk.
It's not about red and blue, it's all about big corporations trying to get the small operators out of their way so they can own the skies for delivery and small transport. And in New York it's not even that. It's just about keeping the status quo.
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It's not about red and blue, it's all about big corporations trying to get the small operators out of their way so they can own the skies for delivery and small transport. And in New York it's not even that. It's just about keeping the status quo.
That's an interesting and very eye opening take. I hadn't thought of that.
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