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Relative accuracy vs Absolute accuracy

For some reason, most people seem to be fixated on accuracy, as if 2 cm or 10 cm makes a big difference. This is not survey work so why all the stress about accuracy, I do not know.
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For some reason, most people seem to be fixated on accuracy, as if 2 cm or 10 cm makes a big difference. This is not survey work so why all the stress about accuracy, I do not know.
No stress. Just curious if your clients care or even mention it.
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Sorry for the confusion, I did not mean to indicate that you were stressed about accuracy, but most clients are very concerned about it.
How many of you clients are asking for absolute and how many are ok with relative?
Accuracy required depends on the nature of work. For Survey, absolute accuracy is of importance whereas for other applications like 2D/3D modelling, construction monitoring etc. relative accuracy suffice.

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