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Recent content by AMann

  1. AMann

    Scanning a Mountain

    Haven’t read John’s article yet, just the abstract, and looks like a really good resource. One thing I would consider is using a UAV fixed wing vtol type of aircraft to do this. You could have it follow contours on the mountainsides with a side facing camera or lidar and be able to have it scan...
  2. AMann

    Anyone with experience with methane detection and the U10 payload?

    This may be of some interest- satellite remote sensing for methane: https://data.carbonmapper.org/#6.59/41.94/-82.423
  3. AMann

    How to spot PTZ (Pan, tilt, zoom) Security cameras/small, on building security cameras on a Radio/Cell tower

    To be honest, it’s going to be hard to do this legally as you do not have any expectation of privacy outside in your yard. If the cameras are on their own property, they can deploy as many as they wish. I’m a little surprised they would have 100s of trail cameras though, what is this place and...
  4. AMann

    More Drone Use Cases

    I wonder what kind of accuracy their point cloud is versus using LIDAR?
  5. AMann

    Align Multicopters and accessories

    Welcome to a friendly new member who is located in the UK. Someone there has a great opportunity for some nice stuff!
  6. AMann

    Fun Assignment

    If it was just below your line of site and you were holding the controller at waist level in your hands, could that have put the chain link between the controller and the drone? You may have found an interesting issue people don’t think about. Thanks for sharing your experience!
  7. AMann

    Fun Assignment

    Wow, that would’ve been a disturbing flight for anyone. Is it possible you were close to that chain link fence? It would have been hard to see it in the dark. I’ve always felt it’s important to do a flight test in addition to an inspection of the flight area during the day before a night flight...
  8. AMann

    Acceptable (to the US) Ardupilot flight controllers?

    oh, I get the mixup, I meant ardupilot compatible flight controllers.
  9. AMann

    Acceptable (to the US) Ardupilot flight controllers?

    Hey, first off thanks for your reply, I appreciate it. The only problem is it simply not true. The flight controller is actually what is flying the drone, and we’re all just flying by wire , or should I call it “flying by wireless”. In reality, your inputs are just suggestions, and it makes...
  10. AMann

    BVLOS waivers - can having a private pilots license help to get one?

    Thank you for your reply, Vic. For my project it may be easier as it’ll be BVLOS out over the ocean in G airspace. I’m thinking of placing the observers with ocean kayaks along some of the points where it’s going to be running. Trick is, I don’t want to land on a kayak so that’s why the base...
  11. AMann

    BVLOS waivers - can having a private pilots license help to get one?

    Thanks for your reply Dave, yeah at least I’ll know more of the general aviation regulations. I figured out a great way to be able to rent an airplane, we have a local flying club that owns a Cessna so I’m gonna join them as well. A couple flight instructors also belong to the club so I can get...
  12. AMann

    BVLOS waivers - can having a private pilots license help to get one?

    Besides already having a 107 certificate for a few years, would it help to have a private pilot’s license to help in obtaining a BVLOS waiver? I am considering using a VTOL sUAV ulwith my 107 cert for photographing large tracts of open desert and much of it would be difficult to keep up with...
  13. AMann

    Drone Purchase Assistance - DJI Banned

    I’m in that same boat, but it’s private individuals that don’t want Chinese-made tech (mainly just the “drone computer”) on their property. So instead of being able to use my excellent Pixhawk flight controller, I am in search of a non-Chinese Ardupilot compatible flight controller that is lower...
  14. AMann

    Acceptable (to the US) Ardupilot flight controllers?

    Hi- I am putting together a VTOL camera drone kit to save money and purchased a PixHawk flight controller to fly it with Ardupilot, however was wondering if anyone knows any decent lower-cost (anything under $300, blue cubes and the like are way too expensive ) Ardupilot compatible flight...
  15. AMann

    Don't be that guy

    Good info. Too bad Joe Schmoe doesn’t know what he’s talking about and flies wherever he wants with his little toy drone he got on clearance sale from RadioSnak before RID was a thing. Then we will all be affected by his lack of better judgment. That’s why it’s important to get the word out to...