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Acceptable (to the US) Ardupilot flight controllers?


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2019
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Hi- I am putting together a VTOL camera drone kit to save money and purchased a PixHawk flight controller to fly it with Ardupilot, however was wondering if anyone knows any decent lower-cost (anything under $300, blue cubes and the like are way too expensive ) Ardupilot compatible flight controllers that are acceptable for US flight use in certain places (does not have to be blue sky certified, just not made by someone who is getting the brunt of stupidity right now). Some of the contracts I can get require the use of “non-Chinese controlled drones” (I know… 🙄) for their project on privately owned non-security related property. I may just skip those for not wanting to work for jerks, but it is good bread and butter and I just recently retired and can use them as startup references.

Maybe I can repaint the controller, name it a PixPigeon, and put a Hecho en Canada decal on it and i’ll just have to keep my mouth shut while I’m working for them! 😂
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Just because it was manufactured in China does not mean it’s controlled if you’re putting all the firmware on it then you’re in control
Hey, first off thanks for your reply, I appreciate it.

The only problem is it simply not true. The flight controller is actually what is flying the drone, and we’re all just flying by wire , or should I call it “flying by wireless”. In reality, your inputs are just suggestions, and it makes the drone either follow them, or as we all know sometimes ignore them. But as mandated, I simply can’t use a made in China flight controller, even though it has nothing to do with what is on the camera and there’s no way that what it took photos of are going onto the Internet.

This is going to be one of those cases where it just simply costs more to buy not made in China stuff. Wonder why, because aren’t only the things that are better supposed to cost more? 🤔
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Ardupilot is open source and demonstrably has no connections, electronically, physically, or philosophically to anyone other than the operator. You will however be responsible for being RID compliant, if a client was to care, or the federalies come a-knockin
There are many FCs available depending on the level of redundancy you desire.
To a lesser degree is power requirements.

That said, as far as non-chinese hardware, unless someone has quantifiable data, all the chips are coming from China/Asia. Short of military grade hardware, all the Prosumer hardware is disqualified. Definitely for less than $300.00.
Show proof that you are running an open source OS and tell the jerks to pack sand.
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