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AirMap to the rescue

Randy Bailey

Jan 15, 2018
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Flew a scouting mission for an upcoming commercial shoot today. I knew I was in Class B airspace so I entered the mission into AirMap and got an immediate airspace approval to fly. I launched using DJI Go and headed north over the shopping center roof.

Suddenly, I got the dreaded black box Blocking most of the screen warning me that I had entered enhanced airspace. There was nothing I could do to remove the screen box. I tried accepting, restarting the DJI app and couldn’t get it to go away.

Then I remembered AirMap had just added DJI flight support to their app. I switched to AirMap and completed the flight with zero issues. I then spent the next hour or so scouting. I switched back to DJI on my final flight and sure enough it wouldn’t allow me to launch, but AirMap was perfect.

I’m heading to China in three weeks and plan to use AirMap as my primary flight app.
So the DJI Flight is integrated in the AirMap app. When I got the email, I thought you could access Airmap in the DJI Go app. Interesting. Thanks for posting Randy!
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So the DJI Flight is integrated in the AirMap app. When I got the email, I thought you could access Airmap in the DJI Go app. Interesting. Thanks for posting Randy!

Yes, that’s correct. You can launch and conduct the entire flight within AirMap and avoid all the obstacles DJI Go throws at you when you’re in controlled airspace (assuming you file an AirMap flight plan from the app and get instant approval) I was about three miles from PHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor and DJI wasn’t going to allow me to fly.

One VERY COOL feature of the AirMap app is the ATC traffic in the area is announced over the speaker on the phone and displayed on the screen. This really helps with frequent helicopter traffic in the area where I was flying. It kept me aware of low flying traffic in the area.
Yes, that’s correct. You can launch and conduct the entire flight within AirMap and avoid all the obstacles DJI Go throws at you when you’re in controlled airspace (assuming you file an AirMap flight plan from the app and get instant approval) I was about three miles from PHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor and DJI wasn’t going to allow me to fly.

One VERY COOL feature of the AirMap app is the ATC traffic in the area is announced over the speaker on the phone and displayed on the screen. This really helps with frequent helicopter traffic in the area where I was flying. It kept me aware of low flying traffic in the area.

Keep in mind that you're only seeing traffic that is Flight Following by ATC. While that's a HUGE step forward it doesn't alleviate our obligation and requirement to follow See & Avoid Procedures. I think in some areas (like where I live for instance) only 30%(+/-) of the traffic is being tracked and populating the "system" that we are seeing.

Now you've piqued my interest and I need to check this out first hand :)

THANK YOU for taking the time to report on your experience.
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So for Airmap Dummies, how does one go about getting instant approval? I see how to file a flight plan but don't see anything about gaining airspace approval. Thanks.
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So for Airmap Dummies, how does one go about getting instant approval? I see how to file a flight plan but don't see anything about gaining airspace approval. Thanks.

Aggie: You have to be planning to fly in airspace that is covered by LAANC which the FAA is rolling out. Many of the airports covered by the instant approval/disapproval are in metropolitan areas. Phoenix and a couple dozen metro areas were in the first batch. I'm not an expert on FAA progress (someone needs to do an update on this), but I understand they are doing this quickly. In my area, I still have to phone smaller GA airports and advise if I'm in their airspace, same with heliports. In my area I learned that Chandler Muni (southeast of PHX) will be on the LAANC list in the future. The local GA airports don't seem particularly interested in my activities when I call. I think as soon as they hear me again they know that I'm somewhat trying to follow the rules. I have not filed for waivers with the FAA for any airspace up to this point, but haven't flown commercial flights in areas needing it. AirMap does a good job advising me of airspace cautions. Fly safe and adhere to the rules to the best you can and plan your flight and fly your plan.
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Thanks for the reply. I don't believe my area (Houston) is covered, yet.

Just making sure I wasn't missing something obvious in in the app! Thanks again.
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..... In my area, I still have to phone smaller GA airports and advise if I'm in their airspace, same with heliports. In my area I learned that Chandler Muni (southeast of PHX) will be on the LAANC list in the future. The local GA airports don't seem particularly interested in my activities when I call. I think as soon as they hear me again they know that I'm somewhat trying to follow the rules. I have not filed for waivers with the FAA for any airspace up to this point, but haven't flown commercial flights in areas needing it. ...

How are you flying under Part 107 without filing for any waivers/auth? Have they all been in Class GOLF up to this point?
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How are you flying under Part 107 without filing for any waivers/auth? Have they all been in Class GOLF up to this point?

I live in Prescott, AZ in the forest. It is Class G airspace. I stay out of the local airport airspace. By April 30 it will have LAANC coverage so I’ll be good there.

In Phoenix I’m covered by LAANC, except for a private airport with no tower about 4 miles away. I call or text the manager. I avoid Chandler Muni space.

So far my paying commercial work has been in LAANC coverage areas or on the Indian reservations or in the National Forests outside controlled airspace. Eventually all this will be irrelevant as LAANC will cover much of the country.

Have I ever flown accidentally into airspace where I didn’t have prior approval; yes. Do I make a habit of it; no. I suspect many 107 holders have done the same.
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By April 30 i should have LAANC capabilities here in SW Missouri. I'll be glad to see how well it will work here. @RandyBailey thank you for the Airmap info. I haven't had to use it yet.
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By April 30 i should have LAANC capabilities here in SW Missouri. I'll be glad to see how well it will work here. @RandyBailey thank you for the Airmap info. I haven't had to use it yet.

Had to use it again yesterday. In Phoenix it works beautifully. Hats off to the FAA and AirMap.
Flew a scouting mission for an upcoming commercial shoot today. I knew I was in Class B airspace so I entered the mission into AirMap and got an immediate airspace approval to fly. I launched using DJI Go and headed north over the shopping center roof.

Suddenly, I got the dreaded black box Blocking most of the screen warning me that I had entered enhanced airspace. There was nothing I could do to remove the screen box. I tried accepting, restarting the DJI app and couldn’t get it to go away.

Then I remembered AirMap had just added DJI flight support to their app. I switched to AirMap and completed the flight with zero issues. I then spent the next hour or so scouting. I switched back to DJI on my final flight and sure enough it wouldn’t allow me to launch, but AirMap was perfect.

I’m heading to China in three weeks and plan to use AirMap as my primary flight app.

I live and fly in Phoenix as well. Just to clarify, you were flying IN class B airspace when you switched to AirMap, or you were flying under it? I have been flying UNDER Class B on all of my shoots since I became Part 107, and have had no problems with the GO app yet.

That being said, I will definitely try flying with AirMap the next chance I get.
Yes, that’s correct. You can launch and conduct the entire flight within AirMap and avoid all the obstacles DJI Go throws at you when you’re in controlled airspace (assuming you file an AirMap flight plan from the app and get instant approval) I was about three miles from PHX - Phoenix Sky Harbor and DJI wasn’t going to allow me to fly.

One VERY COOL feature of the AirMap app is the ATC traffic in the area is announced over the speaker on the phone and displayed on the screen. This really helps with frequent helicopter traffic in the area where I was flying. It kept me aware of low flying traffic in the area.

Sorry I'm late to the thread ... How was your experience in the Airmap app controlling the camera? I haven't flown with the Airmap app yet, but did some testing sitting on the sofa. Using both an iPhone 7 and an iPad with my Phantom 3 Pro I found camera control buggy and inconsistent. Controlling exposure with the right wheel on the RC there was no indication whether I was changing ISO or shutter speed. Manually changing ISO or shutter speed in the app presented inconsistencies too. Using the latest versions of Airmap. Curious if anyone else has run into this? I'm hesitant to fly with the app in light of these issues. (Very excited, however, about Airmap and LAANC rollout ... should be coming to may area in the next few weeks.)

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