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Baseball over Home plate


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2018
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I need to video and photograph a pitched baseball going over home plate. The view needs to be straight down to show which part of home plate the ball passes over.
Any suggestions how to do this and what camera settings to try? Wont be any really fast pitches.
What is the end product you're trying to produce? Recorded data of LIVE streaming data?

I mean most "flying cameras" that use adjustable gimbal can do what you're asking with ease.

Just remember it's going to be hard to do w/o flying over someone if you have a batter and a catcher involved in the process.
I need to show by video and still shots whether the ball goes over the center or sides of home plate. There will be no batter or catcher so flying over people isn't an issue.
I would like to play the video in slow motion, so how do I get a crisp shot of moving ball in both photo and video?
What are you flying? A 45mm lens on an I2 hovering above home plate set at 4K 60FPS narrow FOV should do nicely depending on the speed of the ball. Set the shutter speed at a minimum of 1/120 of a second.
While I love drones and finding solutions with them, I think you're over thinking this. Set up a frame (can be made with pvc water pipe) and use a camera that is capable of 120 fps or more. Done !
I agree with Dave Pitman, skip the drone and build a frame to mount the camera. I don't think you need 4k but 120 fps is just about a must dependent on speed of the ball. I would want the fastest shutter speed I could get away with. The camera will determine the results of your picture.
This is one of those cases where an sUAS isn't the right tool for the job. Keep in mind that a drone is just another tool in the bag and not ever tool is right for every job. You're much better off using it in other scenarios and using the right tool for this one.

Good luck just the same.
I got thinking about your project. If you want a still image I would get a motion trigger for the camera and play with this distance of the motion sensor from the camera until you capture the ball exactly where you want it. That way you could shoot at say 1000 of a second and get a fantastic photo of the ball crossing the plate.

What camera would you be using?
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