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Dang It ... glad we have DJI Refresh

Your story reminded me that my friends and I have a saying that is true more times than not. When one of us says "watch this" something unexpected (usually bad) is soon to happen ! :D

Early on, I was demonstrating my Phantom to a bunch of people from our office in the parking lot. Took it up about 10 ft and headed toward the property boundary. Admittedly, I hadn't waited until the satellites count had reached a safe level because this was supposed to just be a quick demo. I let go of the right stick to put the brakes on and didn't realize that I had momentarily slipped out of GPS mode and into ATTI. From my position, it looked like the drone was standing still, but was in fact still coasting away from me. Just as I realized that, it hit the branches of a small tree and tumbled to the ground -- luckily unscathed except for a dinged prop I had to replace. A couple of lessons were learned that day.
The job site I work at has three two hundred foot cranes when I'm flying anywhere near them I'm either fifty feet above, or well below. I depend on the display more than visual. Not only the cost of damage to the drone, a crash at a clients job site could cost you a contract, especially if someone was injured, or property damaged.

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