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Drone Causes House Fire


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2017
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Amory, MS . USA
I know all you guys are pros and are well aware of this but a little reminder never hurts. I’m the worlds worse of leaving mine in my hobby room but think I’m going to be more aware from now on.
Saw this in PP and leaving it here.
OH I wasn't complaining. Just wondering why people don't think. Never enough reminders.

Perhaps “ignorance” plays large in these things. I can’t count the number of new posts where someone is asking if a puffed battery is safe to use, how puffed can it be before a battery is removed from use, and what causes puffing.

Then we see posts about ruined batteries that were put away fully charged and left for months in that state. Of course we see posts where batteries have been left in the back seats and trunks of hot cars that went bad.

Add posts from people seeking ways to “fast charge” their batteries, that don’t know what “C” ratings and charge rates refer to but they hook up to a programmable charger without thought of charge rate or chemistry type.

So a great many people dive into drones without any educational research, believing the advertising telling them no experience necessary, anyone can do it, and do everything wrong afterwards. Usually, they don’t get involved in discussion/help forums until after they’ve screwed something up.
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Thing is, prevention of lipo battery incidents is pretty easy to do. Being smarter than a battery helps. I know there’s a bunch of us that have been using lipo’s since their introduction to the hobby without incident. If you have understanding of what you are working with the battle is 95% won.

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