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Drone rental, Drone Depoly, mapping and using my 107


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Jan 18, 2018
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I have my 107 and will be doing a large mission mapping over 500 acres for my employer. We are renting an inspire 2.

-Will I need to register that drone under my 107 and apply a label on the drone, and then un-register it after it is returned?

-I plan on using Drone Deploy to capture the photos, I can not find a location within the Drone Deploy dashboard to define what drone I am using. I am assuming I will need this to get an accurate count on batteries needed. Is this a option in Drone Deploy?

-what RTH battery percentage does Drone Deploy use?

-The site has about 100 feet of elevation difference. I want to fly at approx 250-300 feet. Would you define your home point at the high or low (or mid) point of the site?

Thank you.
-I plan on using Drone Deploy to capture the photos, I can not find a location within the Drone Deploy dashboard to define what drone I am using. I am assuming I will need this to get an accurate count on batteries needed. Is this a option in Drone Deploy?
DD will display an average battery number in the planning stage but during the flight stage it will be working from actual battery levels.
-what RTH battery percentage does Drone Deploy use?
Whatever you have set in the drone you use. DD doesn't have it's own settings for this.
The site has about 100 feet of elevation difference. I want to fly at approx 250-300 feet. Would you define your home point at the high or low (or mid) point of the site?
Launch from wherever is convenient and gives you a good view of the whole site.
Adjust the height as you see fit.
If the company is "renting" a drone it SHOULD be registered as a Commercial Aircraft already. You'll need to verify this with them upon time of renting. If they do not already have it registered as a commercial aircraft you'll need to do it yourself.
I have my 107 and will be doing a large mission mapping over 500 acres for my employer. We are renting an inspire 2.

-Will I need to register that drone under my 107 and apply a label on the drone, and then un-register it after it is returned?

-I plan on using Drone Deploy to capture the photos, I can not find a location within the Drone Deploy dashboard to define what drone I am using. I am assuming I will need this to get an accurate count on batteries needed. Is this a option in Drone Deploy?

-what RTH battery percentage does Drone Deploy use?

-The site has about 100 feet of elevation difference. I want to fly at approx 250-300 feet. Would you define your home point at the high or low (or mid) point of the site?

Thank you.

In addition to the other good comments,

A. If you power up the uav and connect it to DD, it will give you more accurate estimates for that aircraft. If not hooked up to an aircraft, DD uses the P4P as a default.

B. If you can rent a P4P instead, that would be a preferable platform unless you have to operate in high winds the whole time. If you need the I2, then you should use the X4S camera. (which is the same as the P4P camera)

C. Flying a consistent AGL is beneficial to the quality of your data. Currently, you would need to use the Map Pilot app ( ios only) to have the way points adjusted for actual elevation on the ground.
I second the P4P as a rental rather than the I2. For that site size you will need at least six batteries so you can keep flying while they cycle through cool-down (in cooler with blue ice packs) and charging; at least two chargers; and power source (small true sine wave generator, or battery true sine wave inverter setup, or a true sine wave inverter connected to your running vehicle.

The I2 will need twice as many batteries .


I do mapping with DD and use the I2 with the X5 camera and 15mm lens. I map it from 300 feet. I use a 65-75 overlap and it does a great job every time. I also have a P4P and there is no comparison in my book, the I2 is by far better.
DD automatically detects the aircraft. The one thing I don't like is with DD the forward looking camera on the I2 is not displayed.
500 acres is going to take you about eight pairs of batteries. I do 150 acres with three pair and third pair normally only drops to about 50% when flight is completed.
Good luck on your job.
I also have a P4P and there is no comparison in my book, the I2 is by far better.

While the X5S camera provides superior visual imagery, apparently the lack of a mechanical shutter introduces more error into the SFM process according to all of the processors.

If that is the only aircraft you own, or if perspective imagery carries more weight in your mission, then it makes sense to fly the I2.

However, if actionable data in orthophotography, cost of operation, and in some cases, hazard assessment come into play, then the P4P is clearly the best option.
If available to the OP to rent, it would certainly be less expensive while providing at least as good, or better orthoimagery results.

I agree the I2 would probably be more fun to operate than the P4P! :cool:
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While the X5S camera provides superior visual imagery, apparently the lack of a mechanical shutter introduces more error into the SFM process according to all of the processors.

If that is the only aircraft you own, or if perspective imagery carries more weight in your mission, then it makes sense to fly the I2.

However, if actionable data in orthophotography, cost of operation, and in some cases, hazard assessment come into play, then the P4P is clearly the best option.
If available to the OP to rent, it would certainly be less expensive while providing at least as good, or better orthoimagery results.

I agree the I2 would probably be more fun to operate than the P4P! :cool:

Dave you may be correct, but I know my mapping is geometrically correct, and yes the resolution is better with the I2. Our job site surveyors have been using our mapping and I've been told it is spot on.
I will fully admit there is much I need to learn about mapping, but my client has been very happy with our results.
I know my mapping is geometrically correct, and yes the resolution is better with the I2. Our job site surveyors have been using our mapping and I've been told it is spot on.

And that is what is important!

My comments are really aimed at providing guidance to the OP who seems to have left the building.
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