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Drones for practice?


New Member
Apr 2, 2019
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Hello fellow pilots!

I'm wondering if anyone has a recommendation(s) for an inexpensive drone to use for practice flying?

I've seen ads for a the DroneX (Mavic Pro copy/clone?) that look like it could be a good unit for practicing instead of using my actual Mavic Pro. I figure with that, if something did happen, I might only be out $60 or $70 versus several hundred. Anyone have experience with DroneX? Something else you would recommend?

Thank you in advance!
Tommy TL
Stick with your Mavic Pro, start off slow, practice all the flight directions. Practice smooth transitions and learn to put the drone exactly where you want it. Slow smooth movements on the controls means smooth controlled flights. Try not to over control it. Practice in an area where you have plenty of room and very few obstacles. Keep your forward speed low until you are very comfortable with the controls.
A 50 or 60 dollar drone is not going to fly like your Mavic.

Have fun, and be safe.
If you plan to fly a course, learn to fly the course nose in and nose out in both directions. Once you can do that instinctively learn to fly the course with the drone sideways in both directions, nose in and nose out. Once you’re comfortable with all that you can tell yourself you know how to handle the aircraft.

If you want to really challenge yourself do it in atti mode and learn how to correct for wind drift. Once you accomplish that you can yell yourself you know how to fly[emoji6]
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Another option is a Spark. It makes a great practice drone and you can also put DJI Care Refresh on it if you are worried about crashing it. You can get up to 2 replacement in the first year for a minimal fee that covers shipping to and from DJI. We even have the Spark as a DJI factory refurbished unit (same warranty as new). We bring them to many public safety trainings that we are part of. Let us know if you would like any more information.

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