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Dumb Question

Does it really matter whether you start up the drone first or the controller first?
There are no dumb questions.....this field is all about learning and safety...Most of the articles that you read say controller first, phone/app then drone...This is the practice that I use as well. The reverse for shut down is drone first .... controller last. The requirement is that you are in control of your drone at all times.
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Drone should be last on, and first off. Controller and app and go in either order. I prefer app, controller, drone to turn on and drone, controller, app, to turn off.

But I'm usually flying the RC Pro, so the controller and app turn on at the same time.
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What do your POH/Manufacture instructions say? In the event of an incident, the official documentation for your aircraft is what counts, not what anyone here says they do or don't do. Whatever the answer, you should have Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), so that you follow the same steps, in the same order, every time.
I don't remember seeing anything about the correct order in the Mavic Enterprise Dual manual. Might have missed it.
In truth it really does not matter. No flight controller will spin up the motors without connection to the RC controller.

This is a throw back to the good old days of RC planes, when there were no flight controllers and without the TX on things could glitch.
Even with the TX on things could go bad if someone else in the field was on your channel. These days the model aircraft RXs are smart enough to know there is no TX and will stay at the signal lost position.

I start the drone first all the time so it can start acquiring GPS sooner.

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