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Flight planner App


Jan 18, 2018
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Hi all I've started drone mapping of roads. One of the feature that seems to be missing on some apps is the option of introducing the ground 3D model in order to make the flight level consistent throughout.
On the other hand apps such as Drone harmony which include such feature.so not have the option of adjusting the flight paths orientation.
Does any of you have experence of mapping of rectangular corridors of kilometres of roads with variable geometry ?
All I can do is give our thread a bump. I've just started a tutorial on Litchi and have to take a break from it to do some chores. Hope to get back to it tomorrow early morning. Have you looked at the Litchi or DJI Go apps?
..I'm not sure I know any DJIGo App for flight planning ?? is there any?
As.for.Litchi no I haven't tried it yet. My main issues are:
1. Must import terrain models so that automatically adjust each way point's altitude
2. Must run under android
3. Must have the option of rotating the flight corridors angles
4. Of course must work for either P4 or Matrice 600..
Hi all I've started drone mapping of roads. One of the feature that seems to be missing on some apps is the option of introducing the ground 3D model in order to make the flight level consistent throughout.
On the other hand apps such as Drone harmony which include such feature.so not have the option of adjusting the flight paths orientation.
Does any of you have experence of mapping of rectangular corridors of kilometres of roads with variable geometry ?

Hello Giannandrea,

We are currently collaborating with an inspection company to develop a solution for mapping linear infrastructure (such as roads, pipelines, etc.) over hilly terrain (by using terrain elevation data). In this project 8km and 20km roads have been inspected using automated flight planning done by Drone Harmony.

Here are some screenshots of first reconstructed end results:

Flight paths & camera positions + reconstructed 3d Mesh using Bentley Systems Context Capture.

Close up:

If you are interested in becoming part of our early adopters in this solution please contact us at [email protected], so we can discuss details.

Best regards,

DH Team
Thank you for yor comments. I'm actually using DH since November and I've done many flights with a phantom 4. Now we are expecting to receive our new Matrice600 with a much accurate and costly payload the Sony a7R of 42 MPx with a 35 mm optic. When DH will be ready to operate a M600 with different payloads ? Another issue is the option of adjusting the angle of corridors which is key when dealing with bending roads in order to avoid excessive number of pics which will be outside of the actual selected boundaries.
As for the point clouds software we came to the same conclusion that Bentley package is better than others...
Thank you for yor comments. I'm actually using DH since November and I've done many flights with a phantom 4. Now we are expecting to receive our new Matrice600 with a much accurate and costly payload the Sony a7R of 42 MPx with a 35 mm optic. When DH will be ready to operate a M600 with different payloads ? Another issue is the option of adjusting the angle of corridors which is key when dealing with bending roads in order to avoid excessive number of pics which will be outside of the actual selected boundaries.
As for the point clouds software we came to the same conclusion that Bentley package is better than others...

We implemented recently m600 support for a project with the same camera setup. This support functionality we have not yet released to the public, since the camera triggering was not consistently successful. You may contact us at [email protected] once you have the m600 to discuss options for potential collaboration and become an early adopter of our road inspection solution.

Regarding angle adjustment, overlaps and excess in images: We have a flexible flight planning platform and we are looking to collaborate with industry leaders to get the right flight plans tailored for each industry use case. Requirements such as overlaps (no excess in in images) and angles can easily be adressed and included in our road inspection solution if we know about them. The more feedback we get from early adopters the better the end solution will be.
We implemented recently m600 support for a project with the same camera setup. This support functionality we have not yet released to the public, since the camera triggering was not consistently successful. You may contact us at [email protected] once you have the m600 to discuss options for potential collaboration and become an early adopter of our road inspection solution.

Regarding angle adjustment, overlaps and excess in images: We have a flexible flight planning platform and we are looking to collaborate with industry leaders to get the right flight plans tailored for each industry use case. Requirements such as overlaps (no excess in in images) and angles can easily be adressed and included in our road inspection solution if we know about them. The more feedback we get from early adopters the better the end solution will be.
We implemented recently m600 support for a project with the same camera setup. This support functionality we have not yet released to the public, since the camera triggering was not consistently successful. You may contact us at [email protected] once you have the m600 to discuss options for potential collaboration and become an early adopter of our road inspection solution.

Regarding angle adjustment, overlaps and excess in images: We have a flexible flight planning platform and we are looking to collaborate with industry leaders to get the right flight plans tailored for each industry use case. Requirements such as overlaps (no excess in in images) and angles can easily be adressed and included in our road inspection solution if we know about them. The more feedback we get from early adopters the better the end solution will be.

GREAT !! will definitely contact you after the new bird is arrived..ETA 20 days..
I'm checking UGCS these days though the trial version has limited wpoints. It is definitely much efficient and the very good thing is that you can planow on your desk top. Still exploring how to transfer to.the bird from desk top. You know we are road designer mainly in Africa and the idea of preparing a small field office to install your tripod and a table.for a lap top each time we have to fly it seems a bit in contrast with all the advantages ofor using a drone for mapping ..
You could give UGCS a look, it supports terrain following and supports p4 and the m600 but not sure if the A7R is a supported payload. I use it with a inspire 1 pro x5 and it has given me great results.
Ground Station Software | UgCS PC Mission Planning

Hi, I'm still exploring all the features of UGCS trial version. I found that I can duplicate a route and adjust it to fit a bend or a stretch of road. I will then start with one mission and at the end of the mission, instead of landing I can hover and start the new one adjacent the first one. This seems to work well only that the levels of the second mission are affected by the first mission's Home level and basically despite all the other parameters are the same (overlapping, GSD and speed and of course the camera), the second mission level is higher or lower depending on the home point.

Have you ever experiences such problem?
Hi, I'm still exploring all the features of UGCS trial version. I found that I can duplicate a route and adjust it to fit a bend or a stretch of road. I will then start with one mission and at the end of the mission, instead of landing I can hover and start the new one adjacent the first one. This seems to work well only that the levels of the second mission are affected by the first mission's Home level and basically despite all the other parameters are the same (overlapping, GSD and speed and of course the camera), the second mission level is higher or lower depending on the home point.

Have you ever experiences such problem?
I believe that this problem is caused by having the "altitude type" set to AMSL, if you set it to AGL it should follow the terrain and not fly based on the home point altitude
..no I've tested it several times and I've always used the AGL setting. The key is the take off point altitude which affects all waypoints level of the first and the consecutive flights unless you land and take off which I didn' as this will imply waste of time and battery. However I managed to make consecutive flights and adjust the second and third flight levels by adding or subtracting the difference in metres between the first flight take off point and the other plans way point 1 level..and it works....the only problem is that the open version only allows 120 mts AGL and depending g on the acrylamide levels you might end up adding 50 mts to the until way point's levels which in my case was 86 mts....Hope i was clear...

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