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In US Blue certified UAS’ for autonomous mapping and general landscape photography with RID capabilities??


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2019
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Just as my title says: are there any Blu certified models out there capable of doing autonomous mapping using DroneDeploy or a similar program that are also good for landscape photography and have RID capability? Note: I am mainly doing environmental resource mapping that does not require survey grade products, so RTK capability is not necessary.

I’m looking at a future of having to retire my Mavic 2 pro and will likely not be able to use a Mavic 3 or any DJI drones due to work on local DOD bases for mapping project. Currently the list is very short for blue certified units, I looked at the Anafi but I don’t think it’s RID capable, Plus what type of autonomous mapping software can it run? Thanks for your replies guys!
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Or how about any US-made flight controllers that are Dronedeploy compatible for a DIY drone? I am seriously considering building one if I can’t get a suitable and affordable Blue certified unit to do this.
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Skydio 2+ can do mapping in DD and they have stated remote ID will be enabled through firmware. They are not the best for mapping in general due to 12MP camera and electronic shutter but if you need Blue UAS they are the only affordable option that I have seen.
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Skydio 2+ can do mapping in DD and they have stated remote ID will be enabled through firmware. They are not the best for mapping in general due to 12MP camera and electronic shutter but if you need Blue UAS they are the only affordable option that I have seen.
I didn’t know it was compatible with DD, thanks. Will certainly have to research about the RID update for it, that’s an important requirement because I don’t want to toss away another drone in a fire sale.
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Skydio 2+ can do mapping in DD and they have stated remote ID will be enabled through firmware. They are not the best for mapping in general due to 12MP camera and electronic shutter but if you need Blue UAS they are the only affordable option that I have seen.
Wow I wonder if there’s a hack to upgrade the camera?
Their 2+ is about $900 for the bare drone, so under $2k for a whole kit with a case, controller, batteries etc. The enterprise X2 is about $10k with a 48MP camera I believe, and possibly the nice enterprise controller. Software is an additional monthly fee. So if your budget allows the X2 is definitely worth a look for American made. Otherwise flying a 2+ lower/slower and accounting for the shutter can get the job done, just not as quickly.
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Skydio 2+ can do mapping in DD and they have stated remote ID will be enabled through firmware. They are not the best for mapping in general due to 12MP camera and electronic shutter but if you need Blue UAS they are the only affordable option that I have seen.
2+ isn't a DOD Blue Drone. Only the X2 is.
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I didn’t know it was compatible with DD, thanks. Will certainly have to research about the RID update for it, that’s an important requirement because I don’t want to toss away another drone in a fire sale.
There already are sidecars you can strap on your MP2. By next year they’ll be a ton of them.
No need to buy a new drone.
I didn’t know it was compatible with DD, thanks. Will certainly have to research about the RID update for it, that’s an important requirement because I don’t want to toss away another drone in a fire sale.
The Skydio 2+ isn't compatible with the DOD list. Just their X2.
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The Skydio 2+ isn't compatible with the DOD list. Just their X2.
Thanks for the info on the X2. Unfortunately my M2P isn’t RiD nor DOD endorsed. I don’t think attaching an app-based unit to a drone is a good solution for RiD either, as at least one stick-on unit I saw online will depend on having a dedicated cellphone with the manufacturer’s app running for RID to work. More complicated setups can lead to issues, especially when working in the field.
Thanks for the info on the X2. Unfortunately my M2P isn’t RiD nor DOD endorsed. I don’t think attaching an app-based unit to a drone is a good solution for RiD either, as at least one stick-on unit I saw online will depend on having a dedicated cellphone with the manufacturer’s app running for RID to work. More complicated setups can lead to issues, especially when working in the field.
Good idea or not, it's the only method for compliance for drones not able to comply via firmware.

The one you mention isn't a realistic option. There is no need for a dedicated cell phone to run an RID module. It will simply be a wifi and/or Bluetooth module that will have it's own broadcast capabilities. There is no network RID requirement. It will be all broadcast unless there is a waiver that requires it.

In order to fly an RID compliant drone, there will be zero need for any cell service, dedicated or not.

It's an incredibly simply setup.
Good idea or not, it's the only method for compliance for drones not able to comply via firmware.

The one you mention isn't a realistic option. There is no need for a dedicated cell phone to run an RID module. It will simply be a wifi and/or Bluetooth module that will have it's own broadcast capabilities. There is no network RID requirement. It will be all broadcast unless there is a waiver that requires it.

In order to fly an RID compliant drone, there will be zero need for any cell service, dedicated or not.

It's an incredibly simply setup.
I heard they’re adding network ID back.
Is that correct?
I heard they’re adding network ID back.
Is that correct?
There is a company that was recently granted a contract to use capture broadcast RID and put it on a network but I don't know the reason or the "how".

It would be impossible for the most part, just from an infrastructure requirement alone. So it's likely only going to be used for extended BVLOS operations or secure areas.

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