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Joystick-like controller

I can't recall which forum this had been discussed in, but I think the consensus was a thumbs down due to the bulkiness. The fact that it still needs to be connected to the DJI controller, which in turn needs to be connected to your iPhone is, I think, a deal killer.
Yes, the article talks about the bulky setup, but it seems like such a more natural movement of flying, I wonder if the idea will lead to more companies (i.e DJI) heading that route with controllers.
I’ve used similar for fixed wing drone control and they are extremely effective and pleasant to use. Like the referenced product they are the command and control input interface between the pilot and a computer. The problem for most is they work best when sitting on a table.

Most flying multirotors have a lot of issues with carriage, set up, and use of a fixed position ground station. Although they are more efficient for employing considerably more system functionality, a fixed ground station limits operator mobility, something portable transmitter users are accustomed to. They don’t realize how much they limit themselves by using a hand held transmitter and a single small, cluttered monitor.

Until BVLOS operations become more common I can’t see joy sticks employed on a wide spread basis. Then again, once BVLOS operations become common I don’t see multirotors being the prevalent platform choice in long distance operations, while the products employed for BVLOS ops will likely employ joy sticks...along with keyboards, multiple monitors that split up data, flight path-flight planning, and imagery.
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