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M210 RTK v2 - Mapping Apps


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
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PNW - Washington State
Does anyone use the M210 RTK v2 and know of any apps that support it?
I'm finding the apps I used with my Mavic and Phantom are not supported with the v2 (SiteScan). I see DroneDeploy supports the v2, but I don't need the image processing, just the flight planning for orthos.

Does anyone use the M210 RTK v2 and know of any apps that support it?
I'm finding the apps I used with my Mavic and Phantom are not supported with the v2 (SiteScan). I see DroneDeploy supports the v2, but I don't need the image processing, just the flight planning for orthos.


Can't you just use Dronedeploy to collect the photos and just skip having them process it?

Also contact Drones Made Easy, they are the creators of Map Pilot, they support the M210 V2 so their app may be a good option, they don't list the M210 RTK V2 specifically, they do separately list the M210 V2 and the M210 RTK as compatible though. Their app has terrain follow. However the only catch is their app only works on iOS devices. Other then that great app.
DroneDeploy does not currently support the RTK V2. DJI has not yet released the sdk to developers. I use the pilot app and use the phantom 4 rtk setting since it uses the same camera (x4s) I use. I then process the images in DroneDeploy for data.
I have had no luck with any apps that support the M20RTK V2 including the the pilot app unless you have the X7 camera. I have a X4s and X5s camera. So I have to do a custom setup on the camera. I have since purchase a extra iPad mini just to run mapping with this aircraft as the only mapping software out there that does several types of missions is the GS Pro v2. I has every camera and is totally compatible with the V2 Aircrafts. So far I'm liking it. I take the data and import it into Pix4D. Seem to be working great. Im just unsure if the Exif data is coming from the RTK GPS or the consumer grade GPS. Since it has both. If anyone knows I would love to hear about it.. Im going to run some tests today to see if I can make a definitive data set to answer that question.
The other beauty of using GS Pro is you can use the X5s camera to take the photos even though it has a Linear Shutter. It has a stop and hover to take each shot option. So no need for using a Rolling shutter correction or dealing with blurry shots. Both shots from 150ft with the x4s. One hover and shoot each shot in a mapping mission on GS Pro. the other same mapping mission only change the setting to Distance interval instead of hover, In other words non stop mission. The was small and the hover mission only took a few seconds longer so larger missions may take much longer in hove mode. But GS Pro will pause and resume mission after battery changes. These shots are highly cropped in - from the final output in Pix4D Orthomosaic. Just wanted to show the difference in what the flight setting can make.
X4S Hover zoom.pngX4S non stop flight.png
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