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Matrice M200 V1 with Pilot App V2.5.2.15


Well-Known Member
DSAR Member
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
Southeastern Massachusetts
The M200 has been idle for the past two months since the M3T arrived. I received a bulk of year end jobs about a week ago that require Tiff files, so figured easier to use the M200 and not have to worry about converting files.

The M200 V1 has been flying flawlessly with the Pilot App V1.7 for over two years. I started loading jobs in on the Pilot App and noticed there was an issue with the map tiles. To my surprise, I noticed that V2.5.1.15 is supported on the M200V1. Loaded the new app and have flown 20 missions in the past week. The new version of the App has a nice pre-flight mission page, similar to the newer Enterprise setups. Flying missions are much smoother on turns and the tile maps seem to load much quicker than the older V1.7 version of Pilot. The only flaw I noticed is that when you set the image file type and then fly a mission, it frequently seems to look like it has changed. In my case, I set the file type to .Tiff, but when I checked one more time just before flight, 50% of the time is displayed as set a .Jpeg. The mission does collect the setting that is saved prior to flight, so just seems to be a bug I noticed. When things slow down, I'll re-install and see if that fixes it.

I am pleased with the new app and results so far. Jut doublchecking my images before leaving the site. I used to do that all the time, but got a little lazy. Trust but verify. LOL. Happy Holidays.
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