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New commercial pilot in NJ learning different applications


New Member
Feb 6, 2018
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New Jersey
Hi everyone,

My name is Jim and I'm a Canadian expat living in NJ. I received my commercial license this past summer but I haven't had time to set up a business or do a ton of flying as I have another full time job and a seven month old! I'm looking to change that this year. (not the baby--flying more)

I have 50 hours logged with my 3DR Solo, mostly practising mapping and getting some decent photo and video around NJ and on holiday.

I work in environmental science and education so one of my main interests is using drone technology for conservation work. I tried my hand at taking photos and mapping (without GCPs), different areas for one of the companies that I work for, looking at changes in landscape after restoration work. I have used Solex, Mission Planner and Drone Deploy so far. I'm familiar with GIS and would love to get into some more detailed map making with GCPs. My wife is an anthropologist and we work in Kenya so I'm really looking forward to mapping her study site as well as getting some amazing footage over there.

I am also learning about different applications for agriculture and would like to connect with other pilots and explore this more. I understand I would do better in this field with a different platform, but until then, I have to make do with what I have.

This year, I plan to set up an imaging business and offer different services to make some capital so I can invest more money and time. This would include the usual: offering photo and video for events, real estate, etc. as I'm pretty comfortable making these kinds of images.

Recently, my landlord, who is a building inspector, asked if I could provide some images for him and his clients, so I have been practising getting some closer shots and video of different roofs before I commit to this. I'd welcome any advice from those already offering this service.

I look forward to meeting other commercial pilots and learning more about this industry. Thanks in advance for any connections as well!
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Enjoy all the knowledge members have to offer .

Also be sure and visit this thread CDP Giveaway - Phantom 4 Pro... :)
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