Howdy everyone, I currently work for a larger police department that uses Autel Max 4Ts and will have an Autel Alpha whenever it finally gets through customs. Right now we are operating on our main stations roof near many other tall buildings and we are wanting to mount a signal booster (hopefully omnidirectional) on a pole that would be about 20-30 feet above the station. I’ve seen some of the coax cables show the longer the cable the more signal loss there is. One of our scenarios we stay on the roof and will only need a 50 feet cable max, how bad would the signal loss be? I understand that there are higher quality cables that can reduce this and for the most part the price isn’t the issue, but would our drone still functional normally and have the same or better range with this set up? The other scenario the cable would need to be 150-200 feet long. Would this distance still be doable even with high quality cables? Any suggestions for brands / equipment / feasibility would be appreciated. I also apologize if this is the wrong forum for this! Also a question for those that fly Autel Max 4T’s, do any of yall notice any latency issues with the controllers because pretty all 10 drones we have have pretty decent latency compared to our older Evo IIs or our personal drones? Thanks!