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Premier Pro and Inspire 2


New Member
Apr 6, 2019
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I am struggling with flicker on my footage. ProRes seems ok but everything else seem to be problematic. For example, if I shoot 4k at 24fps 1/50th shutter over a forest the footage is fine when I click the file However when I try and edit with Premier Pro I get this weird interlacing flicker. It seems this is a known issue but I don't seem to be able to find anyone who has a working solution. I figured buying a decent camera (X5S) for the UAV and using Premier Pro CC it really shouldn't flicker in edit. Anyone else suffering this? Am I doing something wrong? anyone have a solution?

Any help would be gratefully received.

My guess is 24fps is way too slow, I never shoot below 30, and prefer 60. I'm also using the X5 with a 15mm lens. I have no problem shooting 4k, however I'm editing with Corel, it is a lot less expensive and does what I need it to do.
Lately I've been shooting at 1080 at 60 fps and I get really nice results.

Now the disclaimer, I'm an amateur, especially with video, and I know there are some professional photographers on this forum that may have better advice and insight into your problem.
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Hi buddy. Really appreciate you taking time to help. I’m hoping the frame rate is the answer. This was dictated as I was filming the aerial shots for someone else. I’m also quite close to buildings and cars <10 metres this might have something to do with it. Sometimes I look at my old 0Phantom 3 images and footage of 4 or 5 years ago in 2.7k and now look at my 5.2k ProRes and wonder if there really is such a development as DJI would have us believe.

Thanks mate appreciate it
The 24FPS should not cause the flicker. We have done a lot at that frame rate and the result is more motion blur instead of crisp sharp frames. Do you shoot CDNG on your Inspire to SSDs or do you only shoot in ProRes? Are you getting the same flickering in the second copy on the microSD card?
I use Premiere Pro CC, and I believe I have seen a menu option to address flickering.
I'd have to go into my program to say exactly where, but I'm pretty sure I just saw that option.
Also, I had flicker issues with my P4P at 24 FPS.
Now I'm flying the I2, and changed to thirty FPS.
My next projects will be at 60 and 120.
I plan on adding a lot of effects and slowmo.
A couple of points raise questions:
ProRes seems ok but everything else seem to be problematic
Can you expand on what you mean by everything else please?
I get this weird interlacing flicker
Interlacing was designed to reduce flicker, because at 25fps (on PAL TV systems) flicker was a problem, so perhaps that answers your question.

As a starting point it's worth thinking about how the recoded image is actually changing between consecutive frames, how good your codec is at recording it, and then presenting that data for playback .
Some codecs (e.g H264) are really bad in that respect and others (notably higher data rate codeccs like prores) are much better.
Codecs which use keyframes (containing all of the image data) followed by a sequence of additional data which reference the keyframe are difficult to playback, even on fast systems. They need really powerfull graphics cards.

Also, how are you viewing your playback in premiere? Project settings, sequence settings, player options, playback settings and more - they all influence how premere handles and displays your footage.

Perhaps you can you post a sample to illustrate - that will bring up a load of other issues as well!

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