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Protection of Privacy procedures


Jan 26, 2018
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HI all, I am about to re-up with Global Aerospace and there is a question regarding internal procedures for publishing material (photographs) to protect against invasion of privacy. Anyone have any guidelines for drafting an internal procedure that will satisfy this requirement? Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all!
HI all, I am about to re-up with Global Aerospace and there is a question regarding internal procedures for publishing material (photographs) to protect against invasion of privacy. Anyone have any guidelines for drafting an internal procedure that will satisfy this requirement? Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all!

What type of missions do you fly regularly? We have a state law that governs privacy and we wrote our op policy around it. To greatly simplify things, this is the relevant part of Title 4 Subtitle B Chapter 423:

Sec. 423.003. OFFENSE: ILLEGAL USE OF UNMANNED AIRCRAFT TO CAPTURE IMAGE. (a) A person commits an offense if the person uses an unmanned aircraft to capture an image of an individual or privately owned real property in this state with the intent to conduct surveillance on the individual or property captured in the image.

(b) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor.

(c) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the person destroyed the image:

(1) as soon as the person had knowledge that the image was captured in violation of this section; and

(2) without disclosing, displaying, or distributing the image to a third party.

In order for us to comply with the law, any images of private property that are collected which are used by the final data set are electronically altered to render them illegible (we mask them out with software). The final product does not contain any personally identifiable information when it is released to the end user (and most of our products are used exclusively by us in-house). The original images are stored on a secure server that is off-line and not accessible unless you have the security authorization to be in the room with the workstation and you have the credentials to access the data. OGC was happy with that.
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Thank you for providing your insight. It is very helpful. Truthfully, I am renewing insurance and licensing for a second year and have yet to do any actual paid work. I am aiming to get some higher end (or any) real estate, possibly construction, something to just get started. I am a one man band so having a full time job makes devoting time a challenge. Anyway, I want to get my ducks in a row. I have Part 107, insurance, and commercial aircraft operations licensing (MN) squared away although it will be time this fall for my part 107 retest already. Thanks again for the help!

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