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Should a deposit be required when taking photos and/or video images for a client?


New Member
Jun 26, 2024
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Just starting out and am finishing up on the 'Payments' section on the website. Have got the invoicing down and the method(s) of payment.
I have the ability to place a watermark on the phots/videos. Is it in my best interest to ask the client for a % deposit, or will the use of a watermark
be enough to ensure payment? How are you all handling this?
I would say it strictly depends on the size of the job, based on how much you can stand to lose. For a half hour job, I don't ask for anything.
Most people will pay you if they use your pictures. In almost 6 years and 560 jobs, I have only been stiffed once.
If I'm doing a $1K or more job, I would ask for a 50% deposit, refundable if I don't complete the specifications we agreed to.
Rather than a watermark, I write "preliminary" on the pictures and give them a chance to ask for any final changes, they want and provide the finals after they pay.
Thanks for your input, much appreciated. Moving along those same lines, charging a deposit (to at least cover my driving mileage) and then when the photos/videos are accepted, I credit the deposit back to the final invoice amount. The video s/w I'm using allows for a watermark, so I will make two files, one with and one without. If and when the client approves the photos, etc. I will send the non-watermark file(s) out.

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