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The whole Ohio State game drone thing...


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2019
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Leander, Texas
Good morning from Texas to All! I was just curious if there had been any decisions on what was going to happen to the Pilot (and I use that term loosely) who flew his drone over the stadium during the game. I also found the information that the new Google Search AI test pulled up. Some with great relative info and some a little more interesting offshoots, lol. I Googled "drone Ohio state stadium"...

Inducing panic?! Yikes!

In my opinion after looking at the GPS track this guy didn't lose control... He simply went far enough to see that everyone was looking at him and had an oh sh** moment and flew back. I feel sorry for the guy but IMO there is not enough enforcement for negligent piloting. I may get bashed for being in favor of Remote ID and the data being used for enforcement but what I will say is that the public does NOT need to have the ability to see where the Pilot is. Enforcement can get what they need off the drone RiD to track down any violators but I do NOT need some Joe or Jane tracking me down in the middle of a mission!

These things take time to go through investigate, gather evidence, coordinate etc etc. Some Aviation Investigations can take months or longer and during the meat of the investigation we may not hear very much (which makes sense) for a good while.

Acts like that are one of the exact reasons the Talking Heads have pushed RID down our throats. Like it or not, the vast majority of us will have 100% RID compliance in a couple of years like it or not. No different than state mandated vehicle license plates.
These things take time to go through investigate, gather evidence, coordinate etc etc. Some Aviation Investigations can take months or longer and during the meat of the investigation we may not hear very much (which makes sense) for a good while.

Acts like that are one of the exact reasons the Talking Heads have pushed RID down our throats. Like it or not, the vast majority of us will have 100% RID compliance in a couple of years like it or not. No different than state mandated vehicle license plates.
Exactly! Personally I have zero problem with RiD. I have a problem with anyone with a smartphone having the ability to track down my physical body. I foresee something bad is going to happen and unfortunately that’s probably the only way something anything will change.
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There is a simple fix. To sell a drone. Best Buy. Walmart. Amazon sellers must be provide proof of trust certificates or 107. In some states to buy off road vehicles or jet skis you have to show proof of a safety course. Sure you can beat the system, however it will weed out a lot of the num nuts like this guy.
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There is a simple fix. To sell a drone. Best Buy. Walmart. Amazon sellers must be provide proof of trust certificates or 107. In some states to buy off road vehicles or jet skis you have to show proof of a safety course. Sure you can beat the system, however it will weed out a lot of the num nuts like this guy.
Not a bad idea. I can see it now. Goes to Walmart, can't buy a drone and walks across the aisle and buys a shotgun, lol.

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