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UAS, UAV, Drone etc. - What do you use?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
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PNW - Washington State
I'm curious what other people use when they tell people what they do. For the past year I've been extremely cautious when using 'Drone' and preface it with UAS. It seems the 'Drone' terminology is starting to lose some of it's 'scare' factor, but what do you use?
I think you are right. At first it seemed as if "drone" was a dirty word and I tried to avoid using it but conversations would go like this... Them - "What do you do?" Me - "I work with UAVs" Them - "What is that?" Me - "Unmanned aerial vehicles" Them - blank stare. Me - "Drones" Them - "Oh yeah I've heard about those/my cousin/friend/brother/dog has one".

I think "drone" is here to stay, whether we like it or not.
I'm curious what other people use when they tell people what they do. For the past year I've been extremely cautious when using 'Drone' and preface it with UAS. It seems the 'Drone' terminology is starting to lose some of it's 'scare' factor, but what do you use?

FAA calls it a "UAS" as does my agency...
In technical speaking I use sUAS but in everyday conversation I will use Drone as well. No sense fighting what has already been coined by the Media.
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I think you are right. At first it seemed as if "drone" was a dirty word and I tried to avoid using it but conversations would go like this... Them - "What do you do?" Me - "I work with UAVs" Them - "What is that?" Me - "Unmanned aerial vehicles" Them - blank stare. Me - "Drones" Them - "Oh yeah I've heard about those/my cousin/friend/brother/dog has one".

I think "drone" is here to stay, whether we like it or not.

I've been using UAV, I seem to be using "Drone" more, as I'm always explaining what a UAV is.
When Im talk with my family, or friends who fly's too we using word "Drone" , but in Polad the most popular word i think that is UAVO, or just name from the number of engines - quadcopter , hexacotper, octocopter
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I'm curious what other people use when they tell people what they do. For the past year I've been extremely cautious when using 'Drone' and preface it with UAS. It seems the 'Drone' terminology is starting to lose some of it's 'scare' factor, but what do you use?
My FAA Certificate says UAS, FAA is calling is sUAS and therefore I'm offering sUAS services. I personally don't like the term "drone" since this term can mean underwater, on land, underground drones as well which are available today as well.
Interesting topic. To some people a drone is one a flying military aircraft that fires missiles and blows things up. I guess it depends on the context of how the question is asked. If someone asks: "What do you do for a living?" I probably wouldn't say "I fly a drone." But in context of my real estate business and how do I get my aerial photos, I would say: "I fly a drone." The government, and in my case Transport Canada has a lot of names to call a Phantom 4. It is a: sUAS, UAS, sUAV, UAV, Drone, UA, Aircraft. Not sure if they call it other things like xxxxcoptor. In describing the complete system of remote controller and aircraft, then it is a system. However when referring to the actual vehicle that is in the air it doesn't make sense to call it a system because my remote controller is not flying at 300 feet. Unfortunately this is going to be like the USB ports of computers. Good idea, but silly implementation...or is it silly implementation but a good idea. I never seem to get it right...lol I just use UAV or Drone. Easier to say and type.
After trying different combinations I’ve finally landed on, “I’m a licensed commercial drone pilot.” Seems to work for most everyone I talk to. The word licensed seems a bit unnecessary at first blush, but I want to draw a distinction between my legitimate business and those who choose to skirt the law. I use commercial to distinguish myself from a hobbyist. The word drone still tends to conjure up wild ideas by some people, so prefixing with “licensed commercial” seems to help allay their fears and misconceptions. Pilot is self explanatory. Although, I did have someone ask how I fit inside the little aircraft.
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I tried to inform friends and others the proper terminology. But the media kept calling them 'drones'. It just seemed to roll off their tongues better than Multirotors, or UAVs, even quadcopters got the brush for drones. It depends who I talk to and their knowledge level of the industry. Actually, sometimes I just call it a bird. ;-)
I use drone, as it is a well used term. My business card has a picture of my Phantom 4 on it. I feel the media has well used DRONE over UAV, UAS, sUAS. Most folks understand in my area what a drone is. Biggest thing is....Getting them to realize its safe and user friendly. Everyone equates new technology with illegal. They ask me on a shoot “Is this legal”, and when I tell them I have a license they say “Really, didn’t know you had to have one”. Had an older gentlemen come over to me when I was shooting in town the other day by some restaurants. Came over and just stood, watching. When I finished and came back I hovered and let him look over my shoulder at the screen of the Ipad while I flew around a bit. He said “Thats neat!”. Said “I’d lay there all night in bed wondering what you were doing.”
I had tended to avoid drone at all cost, until I started building a website & getting some small business advice.
When I set up SEO (search engine optimization), I realized that when I started googling for competitors using "aerial imaging" (what I thought people would search for), nothing came up.
So I started thinking like Joe Blow and typed in drone photography and got results. So I put that in the SEO settings. That doesn't answer your question directly, but sort of.
As for myself, I think Ive mainly used "drone".

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