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Vignetting with Wide Camera on Mavic 3 Enterprise


Active Member
Sep 2, 2023
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I'm concerned with the amount of vignetting I see on my new M3E. The edges are black and I'm worried when I start using this for mapping that I'm going to be in trouble.
I compared the photos from the M3E with my regular Mavic 3 wide lens and the M3 photos have no visible vignetting.
If someone has some relevant experience I'd love to hear/see what your photos look like out of the M3E.
I tried adjusting the aperture to see if stopping the lens down improved the photo and beyond sharpening up the corners a bit, the ugly corners are still there.
Here's an example of the photos from the 2 drones (M3 on top and M3E on bottom):
Mavic 3 Wide.jpgMavic 3E Wide.jpg
Here is an article on the subject. Hope it helps
Thanks for the link. It didn't say why, so I did some more research and now, I'm better informed.

Apparently, I just learned something about mapping. When using a Survey/mapping drone like the M3E, dewarping is an option that is used to remove distortion and vignetting in photos.

If dewarp is on, then the barrel distortion is diminished and the vignetted corners are gone.

However, for photogrammetry, we are supposed to leave it OFF since the software, which has it's own correction parameters for each lens and camera used in these drones is better at correcting than the drone's camera lens.

I just tested it - dewarp on - no vignetted corners, dewarp off - distortion and vignetted corners are back.

Working as designed!
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The Mavic 3 E is designed to do one thing; mapping. Dewarp off is what should be done when using the Pilot 2 app or DroneDeploy.
It makes amazing maps, is two levels above an Inspire 2 (for mapping), flying a better map in about half the time. When used with an RTK base station like the Emlid Reach and GCPs, it produces incredibly accurate maps.
The Mavic 3 E is designed to do one thing; mapping. Dewarp off is what should be done when using the Pilot 2 app or DroneDeploy.
It makes amazing maps, is two levels above an Inspire 2 (for mapping), flying a better map in about half the time. When used with an RTK base station like the Emlid Reach and GCPs, it produces incredibly accurate maps.
Armed with it's 20 mpx 4/3 sensor, it also makes a good camera drone - albeit, without the fancy Mastershot moves of the consumer drones. I've been doing non-survey grade mapping with my Matrice M30, but am looking forward to doing higher precision work with the M3E, plus enjoy being able to fly it much faster using the mechanical shutter.

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