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Those are the parameters from the client.
Sounds like a good opportunity for consultation to me. I have had many clients request flight plans in the past that produce inferior results to what could have been and all I had to do is ask the question and guide them. It's up to us to help them understand the ramifications and opportunities for improvement. That's how you get repeat clients and referrals.
Sounds like a good opportunity for consultation to me. I have had many clients request flight plans in the past that produce inferior results to what could have been and all I had to do is ask the question and guide them. It's up to us to help them understand the ramifications and opportunities for improvement. That's how you get repeat clients and referrals.
I agree to a point, I've been doing work for this client going on 4 years and the parameters for their projects have been consistent for what their use. all of the projects have been for data sets only no processing on my side, it's all done in house.
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