Yeah I will agree 100% about the challenges of making sure all the formats match. Shooting in DLOG can also be helpful if you are trying to match a bunch of cameras.
I will second what AH-1G said, I shoot weddings frequently and the guests have never said anything. The most common problem I run into is the guests start hovering around me asking questions while I am trying to fly. But yeah during the actual ceremony, when they are saying their vows I always...
Sounds about right, he might give you a call when he or his crew cannot obtain positive results.. Frustrating to say the least when they reach out to you, and they dont take the time to recognize the good guidance you are giving them.
I have heard there is an all natural blend using mineral water that kills mosquito's. From what I understand the elements in the mineral water blend expand in the mosquito's stomach killing them. Anyone else heard of this??? Might be a future venture for those living in mosquito infested areas...
Yeah absolutely that would be fun, I am flying in on a Saturday night, and flying out Tuesday. So kind of one of those "fly and film trips" lol. But yeah we could probably squeeze some time in there to go flying. Send me on over a PM.
Haha, yeah I learned that one the hard way unfortunately. Got burned for about $350, and they wonder why I left a negative review on google after 2 months of no payment lol..
Well I know you can buy NEW gimbals on Ebay for $379. If you are handy and wanted to give it a shot, it might be worth it. Or maybe buy the gimbal and send it with for the repair. I know Maverick Drone systems in Savage Minnesota does an awesome job with repairs. Just a thought, might come in a...
I seem to bounce between Litchi, the DJI GO (inspire 1), and DJI GO 4 (phantom 4). I always keep Litchi on hand for those times when the DJI apps start bugging up, typically after updates etc.