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Recent content by JFlamm

  1. J

    DJI rtk base station

    We fly our DJI M3E while connected to our Trimble base station we have set up on a large construction site. You have to connect via wifi the controller and the base. Then you drill into the Trimble WUI via the IP address and then configure it. That's a very 50,000' explanation but it can be...
  2. J

    Contour Maps and units

    My practice has always been to leave everything in meters on the processing side including all exports. Autocad Civil 3d will convert it all to US Survey Feet upon import.
  3. J

    Surveying questions

    That's interesting but not surprising. It's not wrong either. Horse-Cart, Cart-Horse. It gets the job done. I've done plenty of preliminary studies that way. Once the project is deemed viable, we go back and perform the boundary survey to tie everything together. You can have assumed...
  4. J

    Surveying questions

    You are correct but I'll take it a step farther. Control isn't just some arbitrary point in the ground. Control has to and will have a relationship to the parcel boundary. We surveyors create that relationship so architects and engineers can keep their designs between the lines. Lines being...
  5. J

    Surveying questions

    You are correct there. The advancement of technology is inevitable. Things are becoming easier for everyone to utilize. I remember the first time I came on to a site and saw a non-surveyor using a total station and was laying out a building. I about lost my mind! It's common place now...
  6. J

    Surveying questions

    In my personal opinion, as long as that disclaimer is plastered on that image, I see no problem with it. People make preliminary exhibits all of time. But I've also seen that disclaimer get removed by a party that didn't want to pay to have it done for real. Have fun with that piece of toilet...
  7. J

    Surveying questions

    There are reasons why we PLS' have pages and pages of statutes and laws that we have to abide by. There are reasons why obtaining professional licensure is an arduous process that involves college degree, years of experience, and state/national level of examination. There are reasons why we...
  8. J

    Mavic 3E Plan Mapping Missions On PC ?

    It's not complete mission planning but I like to utilize Google Earth. A lot of times, GE has more up-to-date imagery than the service that Smart Controller uses. I'll draw out a polygon of the area I want to fly and export the .kml/.kmz and then create the mission by importing the .kml/.kmz...
  9. J

    Proposed NYC rule change would kill the industry there.

    That's an interesting and very eye opening take. I hadn't thought of that.