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Recent content by Pawel

  1. Pawel

    High resolution cameras for crop mapping

    yes research is where I find it might be useful. other than that, I was flying and counting lettuce app. 2 weeks after planting on 20 ha last year. Required resolution was at around 0.6 cm/px. Used M3M and field edges were bit difficult due to high trees here and there taller than altitude I was...
  2. Pawel

    High resolution cameras for crop mapping

    Thanks for your valuable comment. I indeed look at research and agree it would have limited use in general mapping. Looks like you are busy flying. What kind of jobs do you do if I may ask?
  3. Pawel

    Anyone using Sony ILX-LR1?

    Anyone using SONY ILX-LR1 61 MP camera? What drone do you fly it on? Please drop your opinion.
  4. Pawel

    High resolution cameras for crop mapping

    Hi, Is anyone here using 60 plus MP camera/s for mapping crops? Things like plant counting, tassel/ear counting and phenotyping require mm resolution and standard 20 MP though capable of doing these jobs fail when it comes to efficacy and efficiency. This is at least how I see things based on...
  5. Pawel

    Yuneec H520 with extras for sale

    Hi, I'm in Poland and have Yeneec H520 with e90 and additional accessories for sale. Everything is in good & full working condition and have never crashed nor hard landed. All batteries are working and have been properly stored i.e. drained for storage. Selling: Yuneec H520 ST16S with...
  6. Pawel


    We are in Poland: Profesjonalne usługi dronem dla rolnictwa i leśnictwa Have done projects for ag chem multinational companies as well as for those who do trial plots on contracts. We process & draw stat for both RGB and multispectral datasets.
  7. Pawel


    I wish I had that much work.
  8. Pawel

    Which Capture are you using With Micasense

    What hardware do you use? Is Micasense the only camera on board? I have not flown Micasense sensors but guess that their wi-fi interface allows for good mission planning as well as calculating GSD. Otherwise mission planning for your drone and setting the Micasense could be meant separate...
  9. Pawel

    Mapping 850 acre site

    Yes they are.
  10. Pawel

    Mapping 850 acre site

    All in all - it will take even longer and more batteries. Does it remain practical then to use a copter for such big sites?
  11. Pawel

    Mapping 850 acre site

    It is going to be a lot of flying for you. I have made a little exercise and have looked up what you are up to using Pix4dcapture. Believe DD will yield similar results. 850 acres at: 400 ft and 80/75% overlap and fast speed means app. 130 min of flying only. Assuming P4P endurance of 15 min (am...
  12. Pawel

    Mapping 850 acre site

    Trees might pose a real problem here. It looks like there are a lot of dense forrests at your flight site. I am not sure you see P4P at all from 2000 ft. It is a small bird which will resemble a little dot at best from that distance. If you loose the sight it will be very difficult to get your...
  13. Pawel

    Drones in Agriculture

    And this is where a satellite map could definitely bring value helping e.g. spreading dear fertilizers/chemicals where the need is instead of applying flat rates. Needless to say that no field is homogenous so crops grow better or worse in places. And no farmer can tell a difference and...
  14. Pawel

    Drones in Agriculture

    I fully agree. Based on mine experience, have been focusing on ag drone services for a few years now, it is really hard to get farmers see added value of drone mapping. Regardless RGB or multispectral. In fact we lose to sattelite imagery considering availability of maps and pricing especially...
  15. Pawel

    Fuel prices

    Appreciate your comments. Talking about a small job - this particular job was to fly 40 trial plots covering +/- 8 acres using multispec camera. A trial of that size is easy to be scouted from a ground and will not consume a lot of time contrary to a one which would consist of hundreds or more...