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[3D Models] How important are oblique images?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2019
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United Kingdom
Anyone capturing building 3D models?

Do you capture oblique photos to get better results? If so what high and low oblique angles do you use?

We have been running some of our experiments on an old building and the difference between using obliques vs not using obliques is night and day!

what if you had to do it in 1 flight?
I've never had that limitation. Better planning?
What approach do you use for obliques in that case?
Obliques are best used when a model of a complex vertical structure is the subject. Generally the taller, more vertical the subject is, the more layers of obliques will be required to provide acceptable overlap.

Your example showed that even with a fairly tall building (2 or 3 stories), if you plan a good amount of margin you can obtain a decent model even with just NADIR images. With a good margin, and setting the gimbal angle at close to NADIR, say 80 to 85 degrees off of horizontal, and flying a crosshatch pattern, you can generate a very decent model without Oblique images unless there are large overhangs, for example.

If your goal is the best model you can get, then it would be difficult to beat Agisoft's approach using a precise DSM as a planning tool to determine shot location.
Anyone capturing building 3D models?

Do you capture oblique photos to get better results? If so what high and low oblique angles do you use?

We have been running some of our experiments on an old building and the difference between using obliques vs not using obliques is night and day!

Try 60 degree angle plus nadir shots 80 % overlap front and side
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