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Accreditation for agricultural work


Jan 6, 2018
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Shropshire UK
In an effort to demonstrate some sort of competency, and hopefully differentiate the company from others, we undertook a short course, and exam (:eek:) in order to be included on a UK agricultural professional register last year (Even before gaining a PfCO)
Inclusion in this register also means that we'll have to do some continuous professional development too (:eek:) Hopefully this means that at least some gainful work will be forthcoming.

In case anyone is interested, details can be found here.

Do any such registers exist in other countries?
As far as I know there isn't a register like this in the US but I could be wrong. There are however plenty of universities and such that offer certificate courses in precision agriculture. Most are around 6 weeks and cost from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. I have been looking into this since I would like to get into this sector and picked up an x3 camera modified to capture Red+NIR imagery.
As far as I know there isn't a register like this in the US but I could be wrong. There are however plenty of universities and such that offer certificate courses in precision agriculture. Most are around 6 weeks and cost from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. I have been looking into this since I would like to get into this sector and picked up an x3 camera modified to capture Red+NIR imagery.
Hi Jesse. Where in the US are you located? We are working on a training program that uses this technology to train pilots to work on golf course turf. We use BGNIR for that.
Hi Jesse. Where in the US are you located? We are working on a training program that uses this technology to train pilots to work on golf course turf. We use BGNIR for that.
I'm in southern NM, Las Cruces to be exact...Also within 30 minutes of El Paso, TX. Lots of agriculture out here, as well a golf courses. What type of sensors do you use for BGNIR? Just a modified RBG camera like the one I have? Mine is one done by AerialMediaPros, maybe I could swap bandpass filters to a BGNIR and get on board? Do you guys use your own software? Right now I've been stitching in photoscan and doing raster calcs in QGIS getting seemingly decent results.
Hi Jesse. Where in the US are you located? We are working on a training program that uses this technology to train pilots to work on golf course turf. We use BGNIR for that.

I have been involved in golf course agronomy for 15 years as a sales rep for LESCO, John Deere Golf and currently Howard Fertilizer and Chemical located in Orlando, Fl.

I have a large number of contacts at courses such as East Lake Golf Club, home of the FedEx Cup and Capital City Club who hosted the National Mid Am championship last October as well as the 2003 American Express World Championship of Golf, just to name a couple.

I am a licensed UAV pilot and would be interested in any opportunities in these areas.
I'm in southern NM, Las Cruces to be exact...Also within 30 minutes of El Paso, TX. Lots of agriculture out here, as well a golf courses. What type of sensors do you use for BGNIR? Just a modified RBG camera like the one I have? Mine is one done by AerialMediaPros, maybe I could swap bandpass filters to a BGNIR and get on board? Do you guys use your own software? Right now I've been stitching in photoscan and doing raster calcs in QGIS getting seemingly decent results.
We use a combination of different software to get the results we are after. For the sensor, we started back when we had converted X3 cameras like yours (except for using BGNIR) and more recently sent off an X4S to be converted and flown under an M210. Thermal cameras have different uses for us so we do like the option of having 2 sensors at a time flying on an M210 - and we generally use ground control points to get everything lined up in post.
I have been involved in golf course agronomy for 15 years as a sales rep for LESCO, John Deere Golf and currently Howard Fertilizer and Chemical located in Orlando, Fl.

I have a large number of contacts at courses such as East Lake Golf Club, home of the FedEx Cup and Capital City Club who hosted the National Mid Am championship last October as well as the 2003 American Express World Championship of Golf, just to name a couple.

I am a licensed UAV pilot and would be interested in any opportunities in these areas.
This is very interesting. We would love to connect with you early next week. On Thursday we are making a presentation to 80 or 100 golf course superintendents about all the different things drones can do on golf courses (from several cinematic things to several technical things including turf management). If it goes as well as we hope, maybe we could get you enrolled in our pilot network and focusing on our golf course solution. We are also looking for someone to help lead this conversation on a much larger national level who is connected to the golf course industry. Lots to talk about......
We use a combination of different software to get the results we are after. For the sensor, we started back when we had converted X3 cameras like yours (except for using BGNIR) and more recently sent off an X4S to be converted and flown under an M210. Thermal cameras have different uses for us so we do like the option of having 2 sensors at a time flying on an M210 - and we generally use ground control points to get everything lined up in post.
Very interesting stuff, I would love to hear more about the process and get involved if you have anything in my area. I found the need for GCPs the first time I tested my R+NIR camera and did an overlay with an RGB ortho I shot with my X5 and they were misaligned by a few feet when stitched without GCPs. GCPs are not a problem, since I am a land surveyor by trade and own a high precision RTK setup.
Very interesting stuff, I would love to hear more about the process and get involved if you have anything in my area. I found the need for GCPs the first time I tested my R+NIR camera and did an overlay with an RGB ortho I shot with my X5 and they were misaligned by a few feet when stitched without GCPs. GCPs are not a problem, since I am a land surveyor by trade and own a high precision RTK setup.
Of course - we would love to connect further with you.
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Very Interesting Thread. Have you guys looked at TurfSolutions? We are currently looking at them for both Golf course Turf Management, but also for agriculture. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. I think there web site is turf.solutions.com
In an effort to demonstrate some sort of competency, and hopefully differentiate the company from others, we undertook a short course, and exam :)eek:) in order to be included on a UK agricultural professional register last year (Even before gaining a PfCO)
Inclusion in this register also means that we'll have to do some continuous professional development too :)eek:) Hopefully this means that at least some gainful work will be forthcoming.

In case anyone is interested, details can be found here.

Do any such registers exist in other countries?
Thank you for the link to BASIS, this info will prove to be very useful ;)
Hi Jesse. Where in the US are you located? We are working on a training program that uses this technology to train pilots to work on golf course turf. We use BGNIR for that.

That is very interesting! I would be interested in learning more about this program, unfortunately, I live in Ohio. I was just down at Lake Okeechobee for a couple of weeks late in January and seriously thought about trying to look you guys up to talk to you about some future Inspires my place of work is looking to purchase. Dang, wish I had now!
That is very interesting! I would be interested in learning more about this program, unfortunately, I live in Ohio. I was just down at Lake Okeechobee for a couple of weeks late in January and seriously thought about trying to look you guys up to talk to you about some future Inspires my place of work is looking to purchase. Dang, wish I had now!
We would have loved to connect with you while you were here, but are just as happy to help you remotely. We ship stuff all over the United States (and the world actually). In fact we just sent a big M210RTK system to a client in Ohio who recently came down to one of our utility inspection trainings as well. We are looking to get him going on some contracts as soon as we can back up in his area.

And if you are thinking about the Inspire 2, we had T-Motor make some custom mounts for their winglet folding props which are really great. A number of people have reviewed and commented on them over on the Inspire Pilots Forum and a few good videos have been made on them as well. I only point that out because we are very involved in everything related to this industry and look to support people any way that we can.

We may have missed you in FL, but we are still here for you.


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