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Any others switched to Davinci Resolve for Post Work?


Active Member
Sep 24, 2019
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I hate APPro with a passion due to even with a high end GPU and RAM for days my timelines choppy, program crashes, yada yada... But since watching alot of videos of why people switched I got the paid resolve studio and never looked back but its quite the learning curve. The stabilizers are great you can do points and easy trackers for adding callouts or icons to RE videos. Warp stabilizer is garabe in PremPro if you like jello effects.. My only issue has been trying to learn FUSION like going from After Effects Algebra to FUSION Calculus . But I like the parent program Im still trying.. I can also go back in AE and do work and back to Resolve just not as streamlined.. Any others have any similar experience any other good RE Video editing software? Batch HDR, still cant do that in lightroom now correct?
I'm just starting to get into Real estate video so I can't really speak to that yet. So I'm curious what other people will say in regards to the video side as well.

However, for your last question about Batch HDR in lightroom, you can now do so with the latest Lightroom Classic. The only caveat is they have to be stacked in order to do it. You can autostack by time of capture or some other parameters which works decently. I do however find I have to manually stack a few, then run the batch HDR which takes a few minutes for sure.
I currently use the free version of Davinci Resolve 16.1 for post-production work and love it. BigAl put me onto it. I'll probably buy the full version this year, not because I need it, but because I feel those guys deserve to be paid for this professional-grade software, as I have been using it for some time now. Haven't gotten into the fusion module yet and have barely scratched the surface as far as editing capability because there us so much you can do with it. Unfortunately, I don't use it often enough to build on my knowledge very quickly.
I have been using resolve for a while and love it. Fusion can be confusing at times but YouTube is a great resource to learn it.
Been using APP for years professionally. I just downloaded DaVinci to try it. I'm sick of the crappy performance of PP. I'm not going to upgrade my computer every year to keep up with the requirements of PP.
I've only been using Davinci Resolve sinc July and it is my first full blown video editor. Honestly it was easier to pick up the basics than some of the much simpler programs out there. Having years of color correcting experience in Photoshop, learning (basic) color grading was easy once I figured out how to translate the different tools as I might think of how I would approach things in Photoshop and how to use nodes like I'd use layers. Yeah, Fusion is daunting because there is SO much there to be able to do.

I'll be upgrading to the Studio version before my next major project to take advantage of accelerated GPU that isn't available in the free version. I don't own a Mac so FCPX is out and I'm not going to let Adobe pick my pocket further every month like they do with Photoshop.
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I use the free version of Resolve and I am very happy with it. I've tried others but I always come back to Resolve.
Final Cut Pro and Resolve both much better than APPro.
Another great one that surprises many... LumaFusion for iPad Pro
In many ways... LumaFusion is great, better than desktop editors.
Been using Resolve for editing since version 15 (18.6.1 is current). Prior to that we started using resolve for color correction at version 9 when it cost $1000 for a license. No regrets. V15 as an NLE was pretty rough but it has gotten better in every way ever since.

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