I have a client that is looking to map about 20 acres of marsh area adjacent to a large capped land fill. The objective is to identify ground water that is seeping into the marsh. Job is in New England and will be performed in the next 60 days. Anyone have experience with this type of data collection?
I'm not sure what you mean by "tracking" but we do use thermal on new construction sites to document potential areas of ground water for excavation logistics. You have to go out early morning before the sun rises. Not only can you see the areas that are significantly cooler which hold water and are likely to have ground water beneath the surface, but you can also see areas of higher temperature which likely indicate rock formations. Both mean completely different things for excavation and can determine which equipment is used. We can also use thermal when areas get graded out to spot low spots that gather moisture that you might not see as significant with a standard aerial topo but can be critical to subgrade stability moving forward.