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Anyone have any experience with Open Drone Map

I do mostly video work, and mapping has always fascinated me, but dang the price for some of the services is crazy
Besides I am a fan of open source. /QUOTE]

I would recommend getting your feet wet with Maps Made Easy, using their free Map Pilot app. I flew my first mapping mission last week and it all went very smoothly. My assignment didn't include mapping, but it was a good site to try it out on so I just gave it a go. I mapped 31 acres and the processing fee only cost me about $20. The processing fee for small sites is actually free, so it's an easy software to play with in order to become familiar with the variables like altitude, speed, overlap percentage, pattern type, batteries needed, etc.
No, it doesn’t do everything for you, you need to know what you want. You can add GDAL etc. for getting closer in and manual tie points....

What good are automatic paid tools if you never know the process and all your work is in a company’s cloud?

One word; accuracy.
I have used it some. My general impression was that it has quite a ways to go in the usability department.

I'm a software engineer, I write applications like ODM and to interface with products like these. I'm happy to answer questions anyone might have.
Have you every done mapping with thermal cameras (Thermal mapping) ?
Now that time has passed any new thoughts about ODM? It seems like some people are getting some pretty good results. I have been using ODM but haven't used the other "big box" software to compare it with.

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